Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] so [that] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the bits will fit together after fracture so that one can often glue a broken vase together quite plausibly .
2 He knew that he was the shortest in the class by about three inches and that Mr Gillis was considerate enough to bark out the height of each boy after measurement so that everyone in the class knew the awful truth .
3 A man can not be said to be truly willing unless he is in a position to choose freely , and freedom of choice predicates , not only full knowledge of the circumstances on which the exercise of choice is conditioned , so that he may be able to choose wisely , but the absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will ( Scott LJ in Bowater v Rowley Regis Corporation [ 1944 ] KB 476 ) .
4 So what we can see for the activist nought to three is a very low preference so Irene has come out as a , a very low preference on that , four to six is a low preference so that 's seven to ten is the sort of average so that one 's the average , that one
5 If the organisation appoints committees to deal with aspects of planning , policy forming and co-ordination there needs to be clear lines of communication so that everyone involved knows the person to whom the committee reports .
6 Shamanism , he explained patiently for the three idiot Brits , was a primitive practice of self-denial so that one could travel in the land of the dead and return unscathed .
7 All I thought was that health monitor basically follows it but it just needs a , a little bit of clarification so that everybody knows exactly when forms are supposed to be produced .
8 Nuthatches , nesting in tree holes , habitually narrow the entrance by rimming it with mud so that nothing bigger than they can enter , and even the probing beak of a magpie hunting for nestlings can not reach the young within .
9 Normally he hated making speeches , and liked to prepare one week in advance so that nothing could go wrong .
10 Intervention of that kind is justified only when the occasions of intervention have been announced in advance so that anyone who is listening will hear and understand .
11 When will the Government retire from office so that something can be done ?
12 The orchestral playing is quite ravishing at times , and Giulinii displays the utmost care over detail so that lots of subtleties can be heard despite the full textures .
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