Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which [vb past] between " in BNC.

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1 Martha waved to Elizabeth , as she ran down the side of the field of oats which lay between the farm and the beckside path .
2 The tedium and discomfort of life which prevailed between moments of action and danger , and the feeling that they would never be strong enough in morale or matériel to take the offensive themselves , were dispelled when Montgomery took command of the Eighth Army later in the summer .
3 In the pool of silence which fell between them Laura raised her eyes and took her first good , clear look at the man she had married , and whom she had n't seen for so many years .
4 But she was old enough to be assigned a dowry , a stretch of land which lay between the rivers Seine , Epte and Andelle , known as the Norman Vexin .
5 Or perhaps they were still wandering in that long stretch of country which lay between New York and the State of Wisconsin ?
6 If the same duty was owed to those from within as to those from without the area , the adoption of criteria for selection which distinguished between them plainly conflicted with the express statutory duty laid down by section 6(5) .
7 They walked through the blood-stained slush of the Shambles , holding their noses against the sickening putrid smells from the slaughter houses , and turned left into Old Deans Lane , a narrow alleyway ankle-deep in muck which ran between dark , overhanging houses .
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