Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] as [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Lichtheim describes Marx 's concept of ideology as illuminating the fact that human beings do not have ‘ true consciousness ’ ( Lichtheim 1967 : 22 ) .
2 And it is necessary to assess the nature and significance of the polarization between ‘ multiculturalism ’ and ‘ antiracism ’ in this field , especially given the left 's construction of antiracism as representing the more genuinely radical intervention in this field .
3 To us they seem at least as intriguing and worthy of study as do the signs and wonders which become the obsessive concern of mystics , religious and many others outside the laboratory .
4 The Etruscans were great builders and in this respect they occupy a similar relationship to the Romans in the development of architecture as do the Pelasgic and Minoan peoples to the Greek .
5 Have a bit of decorum as befits the mother of a college student , ’ Otley said , softening his tone .
6 These soldiers were generally known as Brabançons , but sometimes as Navarrese or Basques or Germans , not so much to indicate their precise place of origin as to express the fact that they were foreigners and spoke a language which was not understood .
7 The issue seems resonant of the classic Hart-Fuller debate in which — to re-interpret — Hart posits sovereignty as the criterion of identity of law against Fuller 's conception of the rule of law as embodying the essence of law .
8 An alternative view sees the shape of poverty as reflecting the shape and condition of the wider society and requires more wide-ranging policy responses , especially those founded on universalist principles .
9 The organizational ‘ environment ’ has formed part of a managerial perspective on structures of authority which sees variations in management structures and forms of control as reflecting the mainly economic environment of the organization .
10 It is certainly true that one strand at least in a Northumbrian view of the past seems to have thought of Nechtanesmere as destroying the position of military dominance originally achieved by Eadwine in the first half of the seventh century ( HE II , 5 ) , whereas Eadwine 's ascendancy over the Britons in Wales had disappeared by the mid-630s and an overlordship of the southern English kingdoms , restored only temporarily in the late 650s , was lost long before 685 ( see above , p. 85 ) .
11 The concern of the six states of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) stemmed from several considerations : regret that two neighbouring Muslim states should be spilling one another 's blood ; anxiety lest the conflict provoke the intervention of one or both superpowers , with dangerous consequences ; fear lest member states be attacked by one of the belligerents if they were suspected of sympathizing with the other ; a feeling that a conflict of this sort diverted Arab and outside world attention and resources from the paramount issue of palestine ; a desire not to see either belligerent emerge from the conflict so strengthened by the spoils of victory as to become the most powerful entity in the Gulf ; and , finally , anxiety lest their internal security should be threatened as a by-product either of the war or of Iran 's revolution .
12 A second problem is the way ethnic credentialism has been used to canonize certain texts , or underwrite certain schools of thought as possessing the authentic or correct perspective on racism .
13 The landlord may also owe the tenant a duty of care as regards the preparation of accurate plans ( see Tromans Commercial Leases ( Sweet & Maxwell 1987 ) p18 ) .
14 As a hypothesis one may entertain the idea that the Japanese variant of East Asian enterprise represents a form of organization which stands to earlier bureaucratic forms of organization as does the postmodern to the modern .
15 If the bad image of the pawnbroker kept would-be customers away , many of the small debtors would have been even more reluctant to seek relief from the grander money-lender whose role was not so much , it seems , to relieve the impoverished of misery as to maintain the well-off in their excesses .
16 Marx saw this point of view as legitimizing the institutions on which nineteenth-century capitalist society was built .
17 Recently , it has been suggested that in humans gastric acid and serum pepsinogen secretion rates increase with age as does the prevalence of H pylori infection .
18 No document of the period so cogently illustrates the swift descent into infidelity as does the semi-autobiographical novel of Samuel Butler ( 1835- 1902 ) , in which the hero , Ernest Pontifex , having been advised by a free-thinker to study the differing accounts of the resurrection in the four Gospels , finds that he can not reconcile the discrepancies .
19 Her face was still something of the colour of a ripe apple , and her silvery hair shone with cleanliness as did the pink scalp beneath it .
20 The pursuers , having had no response to their requests for payment , treated the defenders ' failure in payment as discharging the contract and withdrew from the site , leaving the installation in an uncompleted state .
21 Pollution control field staff have defined their central task in practice as securing the compliance of those who pollute , or risk polluting , watercourses .
22 Some of us are reserved good listeners who see our prime function in conversation as encouraging the other person .
23 While Barth had by no means worked through all the implications of this at the time of his controversy with Brunner , the disagreement which came into the open in 1934 can be seen in retrospect as foreshadowing the shape of his own future theology .
24 The well-defined features of the photograph had vanished , the face had swollen in death as had the exposed arms .
25 The relative weight given to examination performance and course work varies from course to course as does the method of determining the final result .
26 County council officials have already gone on record as saying the humps are not so severe as to pose a major problem for the buses .
27 He is also on record as deifying the priesthood and challenging the institution of Temple worship .
28 After Hall , but not before , the major emphasis was on puberty as marking the onset of adolescence , whereas earlier popular definitions had taken their cue from social status , not physiology .
29 Another overseas power with which England had uneasy relations , particularly over trading matters , was the league of Hanse towns of North Germany ; there were times when these developed into open warfare , but although this affected trade , it did not have the same repercussions on society as did the wars with France .
30 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
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