Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] they [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But he soon became a joke to most of us , because not only was he pedantic and patronizing , he was also frightened of what he 'd started and disliked suggestions for fear they implied that he was going wrong .
2 After dinner they agreed that Rodney should not wash up .
3 He had hoped that the project would foster greater continuity between children 's experience of learning in primary school , and their experience in the comprehensive : I want to get away from [ a didactic approach ] , to the pupils taking more responsibility for work they produce and being more autonomous in the way that they do it and hoping to create more responsibility in them rather than them seeking the teacher all the time for information ; and thinking that all knowledge and information and values have to be teacher judged …
4 Is the media merely a tool that can be used by the dominant group in society to bring about whatever change or lack of change they require or does it , by its nature , shape the influence it has on the population ?
5 By pressing a button on the front display panel , users can choose the IBM 9337 mode they want to emulate , and the level of protection they require and the 7737 can be configured for full compatibility with IBM 's 010 , 020 , 110 , and 120 .
6 In fact they deserved every sympathy but they succeeded only in making themselves look obstructive and unreconstructed , relics of the pre-meritocratic days before the Heineken League , which of course they fought until the last ditch was so full of water they had to jump out .
7 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
8 Of course they knew and they had a pin in o in their hand to stick every hundred like that see .
9 And they try to work backwards , as you rightly say , to his childhood , to explain why , and , and of course they felt that their explanation , explained the favour of conflicts , because the whole thing was here was a man with an almighty father .
10 The proportion of recipients is greater than the proportion of income they hold except at the ‘ anchor points ’ on the axes .
11 By experimenting with the duration of incubation they found that fusion occurred after only a few hours , and that viable hybrids could be grown in a liquid culture medium containing glucose , monosodium glutamate , a mixture of vitamins , sodium chloride and extracts of Raphanus brassica ( common mustard ) .
12 The only experience of collectivization there 'd been was the Soviet one and they seemed to have known at least something about the Soviet , they knew it involved a lot of force they knew that if you were going to collect you were going to collectivize you needed the mechaniz well they thought that you needed the mechanization first and they knew that they d A they did n't have the capacity for that mechanization they did n't want to use force I mean i it would , i it would have been very dangerous , would n't it , to go back to the countryside collectivization .
13 But I mean did they , did they have specific , erm did they , did they have that kind of idea about the type of light they wanted or
14 I think that generally they came in because they liked the style erm they , they , usually had er , in their minds what they wanted and because they go round and see all these fittings at night , I mean our shop used to be all the fittings were lit up at night so that you could have a look in , erm it 's very confusing I think when you , you 've got an awful lot of fittings in , in , in a shop and , and all of them lit , decide which one 's gon na to be the best for your house , but I think most of them already had ideas what , what sort of fitting they wanted and of course we used to do a great deal of
15 The first is that the book is written for engineers ; project management is for many the first form of management they encounter and the first form to which they are appointed .
16 In the frenzy of dancing they lifted and tossed her from one to another , effortlessly through the air like seaweed in the sea .
17 Prospective payment systems have the advantage that health care suppliers are paid for the amount of work they do and are encouraged to control the cost per case .
18 No move was ever made to introduce flexible or partial retirement which would allow older people to reduce the amount of work they did and to choose for themselves finally when to retire .
19 These are companies which specialise in assisting a client in clarifying what kind of person they need and how to locate him within the potentially suitable worker population .
20 Shoppers punch into a keyboard the type of meat they want and how many they 'll be cooking for .
21 Towards morning they heard that Dr Dunstaple had died , inconclusively , of a heart attack .
22 And though this manual , Glamour and Cosmopolitan are moderately ‘ feminist ’ publications and clearly mean well , in the end I see little difference between the kind of advice they peddle and the more obviously sexist 1950s books of advice to brides or wives on how to talk to their husbands .
23 When they are asked to sign a piece of paper they moan and groan , and get paranoid about people trying to peep at them in their luxury .
24 There was no consensus amongst the Serbs as to the form of government they wanted if they were to be able to force recognition of Serbian autonomy from the sultan .
25 There was little point in my merely presenting a Moonie world-view — the Moonies themselves can do that — but I did want to try to make their religion and its effects comprehensible to others who wanted to understand how well-educated and intelligent people from ‘ good homes ’ could lead the kind of life they did because they had come to believe that a strange Korean was the Messiah and must be obeyed .
26 This blurring of the boundaries may be of little consequence to users of the service , but it does have implications for the type of care they receive and which agency remains financially responsible for arranging that care .
27 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
28 We have a lot of people prepared to give of their time voluntarily to help young people get the kind of training they require and to help them find jobs .
29 It was still half a game , this cooking business — learning to make the sort of food they had when they went out to dinner .
30 Current records managers and archivists must not allow the limits of their imagination to constrain the kinds of information they preserve because historians may wish to tap a wide range of possible sources to build up different views of the past .
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