Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the rope breaks , the take off field should be within easy reach for a downwind landing , whereas a problem with the towplane 's engine usually means a field landing is almost inevitable .
2 Application for admission may be by the nearest relative or an approved social worker .
3 The passage for instance might be in the nature of one of the following :
4 Clause 5.1 for instance could be of concern not only to the tenant but also to the tenant 's mortgagees .
5 The treads , for instance should be at least 38mm ( 1½″ ) , or preferably 50mm ( 2″ ) , thick .
6 Any dependants , what your investment policies are , what your need for money will be over the short term and the long term .
7 In the words of Dunlop ( 1958 : 20 ) , the technological context of ‘ railroads has many distinctive features affecting the relations of managers and workers : the train operating divisions use small crews working together and in movement far from close and immediate supervision ; complex and expensive equipment is utilized with a high ratio of capital to worker ; … the costs of accidents can be consequential ; the hours of operations for equipment may be around the clock , and they do not conform to normal factory schedules … ’ .
8 An action duly brought against a firm is an effective action against all those who were partners at the date the cause of action accrued ( and so , for example , an order for discovery will be in essence an order for discovery against all those persons ) , and this is irrespective of subsequent changes in the composition of the firm .
9 This kind of description will be of interest to , for example , geographers ( spatial distribution of populations ) , health service and other planners ( future provision of maternity , geriatric , etc. , services ) , sociologists ( what decides family size ? ) , economists ( changes in per capita income ) , actuaries ( pension arrangements ) , and many others .
10 That sort of decision should be under some sort of democratic decision making ability .
11 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
12 The answer of course would be for all suppliers to put a ‘ sell-by or ‘ best before date on the boxes of test kits with a specific shelf life .
13 but in the very unlikely , very unlikely er position whereby Norfolk are absolutely adamantly oppose our proposals then as Mr said it 's very difficult for us to build in , in neighbouring authority , there is however one procedure left to us and that of course will be for us to meet in private act of Parliament , well that is er almost unthinkable , but we do have a final resort to that with a , in many ways the problems in Brandon have to be resolved by , by doing a bypass and if in the end we have to do that I 'm sure that
14 All eyes of course will be on Cheltenham where John Taylor will be trying to prove that being black is not a bar to becoming a Conservative Member of Parliament .
15 ‘ The whole of Stalinvast may be in chaos in the ordinary sense , but Chaos as such has nothing to do with it .
16 For example , collocations extracted from the domain of Banking may be of little use when processing a medical report , since words like ’ charge ’ behave differently when used to describe a type of payment rather than a type of nurse .
17 ( 7 ) Mode of trial will be by judge alone in category B , which is a case of substance or difficulty .
18 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
19 Elections to a lower house of parliament would be by proportional representation and an upper house would be appointed by provincial governments .
20 The very limited space between vertical fuel surfaces , little over one metre , severely limits the trajectory of the fire fighting jets and the majority of stock may be at a height beyond their effective throw .
21 The argument that high taxes reduce the flow of private savings for investment in industry is only important if one believes that the ownership of industry should be in private hands .
22 They yearned for a society where the surplus product of labour would be at the disposal not of idle capitalists or degenerate gentry but of expert administrators .
23 The first drink of tea will be on you .
24 A final one-day visit by a ‘ core group ’ of members approved the scheme indefinitely and agreed that the future pattern of review would be on the basis of a rolling cycle established by the Polytechnic .
25 It now seems that the time of injection may be of crucial importance in determining the effects of melatonin .
26 ‘ Davy feels a change of club will be in his best interests , ’ said McFall .
27 While this survey has been concerned with public libraries , co-operation potentially encompasses a wide range of institutions , and an INSET network that concerned itself with training across the whole spectrum of librarianship would be of maximum value .
28 The main method of research will be by personal interview and discussion with senior officials and other public figures .
29 One of the constitutional forms of therapy would be of value in this situation .
30 While the power of dismissal may be of limited use , where the government has been able to appoint a new rail chairman , it has the opportunity to shape a management team more in tune with its thinking .
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