Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] i did " in BNC.

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1 But I had one ‘ misery ’ in this friendship : she went home for lunch and I did n't !
2 All the assassin had to do was take the piece of thread as I did , pull it very slowly , which hardly makes a sound , and murder is only a few seconds away .
3 ‘ I put on lots of weight but I did n't weigh myself ever , and I did n't read any books .
4 Thank you for taking time for this interview , well that 's a load of crap cos I did n't give time .
5 You 're talking about all sorts of geography that I did n't study at school .
6 That particular single matter was not pursued by the ombudsman an and that therefore means that erm it is n't something that er he felt was a question of maladministration but I did want just to emphasise that this particular point , because in the more er i in the recent report to the Policy Resources Committee on ombudsman complaints , the number , and I ca n't recall exactly what the number was , but the number included in that report relating to planning matters was certainly higher than one , I think there were about half a dozen and what I wanted to take the opportunity of explaining was the , the majority of those all but the one that I 've now referred to , er where in fact relating to district matter planning applications and not to the County Council .
7 I HAVE a touch of regret that I did n't become Prime Minister .
8 The gentlemen of the orchestra chorused their usual soft whistles of approval and I did my usual twirl , deep curtsey and , ‘ Good evening , gentlemen . ’
9 I do n't know what it was about , but I know that it shocked me into the sort of terror that I did n't know I was capable of .
10 I 'm so sorry to cause such a lot of trouble but I did n't know what else to do . ’
11 It was quite some time since I had last played and , inhaling huge lungfuls of air as I did so , I looked forward keenly to demolishing my opponent with my supra-sonic service , my cunning topspins , bottomspins , sidespins , every-this-and-thatspins .
12 It was no good my saying it sounded like a circumscribed area of peritonitis because I did n't know what was behind it
13 On the cluster erm not having in fact had any erm work on this type of thing before I did n't realise that holding a paper could close you down and in fact without moving my feet I was n't getting movement I was just static and with no use of the hands you were to express yourself sufficiently .
14 I imagine many a western pioneer got the same sort of surprise as I did when the bride eventually arrived ; except that I did n't marry the dog — there 's nothing peculiar about me .
15 Well there used to be one on the corner of Street and Street that was , that was a pawnshop right opposite the churches facing it the church were on the one corner Street and used to be on the opposite corner , and Johnny was a member of the church choir as I was after I was ten years ol ten years old , I Mr he must have thought I could sing he sent me down to St Paul 's and I , I went to St Paul 's Church on the corner of Street and I did n't stay there long because it was I was still working part- time I was still a schoolboy but er I did sing in the choir at St Paul 's Church for a time , and then I went , I went back to St Mary 's and All Saints in Palfry as a choirboy and er we used to have choir practice once or twice a week , I know we had it Wednesday night , the choir master was Albert Edward he was a butcher , kept a butcher 's shop on the corner of and
16 Sorry , to take a little bit of time but I did point out we 've got two motions on the Health Service and erm , I think it 's a little bit more important than just er , formally seconding .
17 And I had to give Prentice full marks for cheek when I did .
18 I certainly agree that I would not be wholly confident of the conclusion about tunnelling if I did not know that rigorous calculations with the Schrödinger equation lead to the same conclusion .
19 Now I knew he was connected with sport but I did n't know whether it was cricket or football .
20 A Plymouth dockyard labourer 's daughter lived across the road ‘ as much with grandma as I did with mother .
21 I did n't want to stay at home I wanted to get back into education and I did n't know how to the easiest way I suppose .
22 Pupil : " Because I 'd get into trouble if I did n't . "
23 I 'm only here under duress because I did n't want to go to court over this nonsense .
24 Oh there was quite a few pas when I past I went up for paper but I did n't call in and vote , you know ,
25 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
26 that that control the purse are part of the dialogue , and I I hope David that you will continue to make your submissions , in opposition as I did .
27 I mostly enjoyed staying with my friends away from home and I did not get homesick .
28 ‘ I 'd previously been trained in management and I did n't want to be an audio typist .
29 I had to go — I had a meeting in town and I did n't want to miss the train .
30 How long do you think I 'd stay in business if I did n't keep my lines clean ?
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