Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pron] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Berowne almost seems to revel in his own discomfiture here , in his desperate last stand for freedom -he clearly enjoys the sensation of falling in love , even though he presents the experience as a disaster !
2 This is an important recognition for the narrator , for gradually in his quest for Bazlen he too comes to accept that he is ‘ passing through ’ , and that the truth of which he is in pursuit is not an object fixed in time and space .
3 So all in all an excellent result for Washroom which now looks to be a good stable portfolio increasing at a respectable rate .
4 A strand of hair which normally covers his bald patch has fallen away to rest in seaweedy strings on his padded shoulder , drying as we speak .
5 He smiles slightly at the vague feeling of hope he now feels .
6 The mathematical precision which went into the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of paper resulted in an efficient and scientific method of building which still remains a mystery to modern day man .
7 One of the major problems of building a theory of soil erosion is the high degree of contingency which always accompanies any explanation of soil erosion at a particular place .
8 Immersion in this view would seem to be a kind of baptism which mysteriously induces the gift of tongues .
9 The main beach is sandy and normally sheltered but an easterly storm will bring up masses of seaweed which occasionally has to be carted away .
10 Of course nobody ever thinks .
11 Of course nothing remotely approaches the indulgent , yet time and time again Pollini characterises the music with an infinite subtlety which makes other interpretations appear almost cosmetic in comparison : listen to how gently he coaxes ( never caresses ! ) the opening phrases of and you 'll hear what I mean .
12 It gets a bit dull with just the four of you , and of course everyone else has already made plans . ’
13 I started it cos I started teasing her cos she 's big chested for her age , right , she 's gon na follow my sister cos my sister 's got big boobs and I started , but of course he just carries it on and on and on now .
14 And of course he really sounds so well spoken .
15 ( groan , groan — you all know what i want ; - ) ; - ) — with Frank playing 11 games from start my bet is that his goal tally would have exceeded 2 — of course he still misses some qualities — but he knows how to make a goal … as the commentaries said it : ‘ He is under-21 and is still learning the game ’ )
16 But of course she always has much more to say . )
17 Of course she really owes the whole of the second £30 to the lender ; but from the point of view of her budgeting , she is paying £33 in instalments for under £16 in her hand .
18 " The river 's part of my manor , but of course it also belongs to the River Police .
19 That makes it strategically important that I report back to Earth Central , Defries thought , and of course it also makes it highly unlikely that I 'll survive to do so .
20 Given this revised definition , it becomes natural to talk about preserving and defending democracy rather than achieving it , for of course it already exists in such fortunate countries as Britain and the United States .
21 And of course it mainly works the other way , does n't it — I mean Hilda hating Viola . ’
22 Of course it still has to sell the idea to management and our source thinks Austin is still 24 months from a product , but the notion could be IBM 's answer to Microsoft 's NT .
23 It 's a euphemism for dusting , but of course it never works out like that .
24 The one area of liability which really concerns the buyer is the possibility of claims made against him by third parties which arise because of some act or omission of the seller .
25 It has been especially adapted by her father to take the strain of the amount of money she always collects .
26 The fire seems to symbolise the flickering spirit of creativity which literally inspires Coleridge .
27 Indeed , it is the fact of recession which rather suggests that the greatest threat to the persistence of corporatist arrangements may come , not from the Left and labour , but from the Right and from the industrial capitalists themselves — those interests , that is , that the Left have seen as having benefited most from corporatism .
28 And it is both a warning to the public and an acknowledgment of the long climb out of recession which still lies ahead .
29 I understand you acted on behalf of local residents in the old docklands area of Cardiff and secured protective clauses for them in the Act of Parliament which now permits the Cardiff Bay Barrage to be built .
30 In each case there is a copper core with a plating of silver which superficially appears to be identical on the two coins .
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