Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend has mentioned the strong link between provision which falls respectively to the duties of funding councils and LEAs .
2 Marlowe was charming , witty , and very , very funny , but there was something about Millet I did n't like . )
3 As Mr Gladstone has pointed out , in the last few years progress has been far more rapid because improved education has created in all classes of the community an increased desire and appetite for literature which did not formerly exist , and that can only be supplied by means of such public libraries in which we are now met .
4 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
5 From Drewsteignton a steep lane drops to Fingle Bridge and from here the route heads upstream along the gorge , picking its way through woodland which grows thickly right to the water 's edge .
6 For instance we have recently shown that colorectal cancers that contain c-Ki-ras mutations and over express p53 have a far worse prognosis than those showing either alteration on its own .
7 If say for instance one moved headlong down the road to European political union and Westminster ended up with something like the powers of Puddlewick District Council
8 I 've no idea yet , really what , I mean , you know , for instance I do n't know how much ratio staff to patients they need , therefore you ca n't really , you know , follow that up because you 've no idea what the costs themselves could be .
9 So for instance it imagines gradually moving an unstable block ( such as B ) downwards , pivoting on the relevant point of support .
10 For instance it buys up stock which is nearing its redemption date , so as not to have to make large repayments over a short period of time .
11 For instance it clears up a tiresome controversy over the level at which natural selection acts .
12 Perhaps nothing , but as she waited for money which did n't seem to be coming , it was fairly certain the crash was going to mean something .
13 it 's between bit I do n't like
14 Extra police are on duty in Blackbird Leys as crime there goes up .
15 Weight for weight it does not compare favourably with foods like cereals and nuts in fibre content , although it works out well when you take into account how much fibre you get for a modest number of calories .
16 I 'm getting the blame for crime I did n't commit .
17 ‘ When I came for interview they seemed very interested in me as an individual , and gave me a very thorough and in-depth interview .
18 Workers on the sites prolonged their tasks indefinitely ; building materials vanished ; workmen claimed for overtime which had neither been worked nor authorised ; and non-existent workers were kept on the payroll by the workers .
19 How people can drink it for pleasure I do n't know .
20 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
21 ‘ In France they have a Minister For Rock who goes round and investigates the need for venues and rehearsal space , ’ says Salli .
22 Furthermore , the BCS distinguished between the fear of crime , i.e. people 's fear of being victimised , and concern with crime , people 's more general anxiety about crime which did not have to do with personal Ask .
23 It 's all about languages for dictionary you know like
24 true , then there 's another thing about religion I 've often wondered , they say you go to heaven do n't they ? well , so well
25 There 's been an article in the paper very recently saying they 're going to bring out some proposals to change those intestacy rules shortly after easter they have n't come out yet .
26 After tea we walked down through the remains of the garden .
27 After tea we went out to play .
28 After tea I went out and saw Ryan .
29 After tea she wrapped up some fruit cake for me to take back home .
30 Immediately after half-time they went further ahead when captain Nigel Johnston drove a short penalty for Jonathan Tate to take play to the front of the Limavady posts and from the resultant maul Johnston himself drove over to score with Crothers converting .
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