Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun] [coord] had " in BNC.

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1 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
2 The conservative Blaize , who died of prostate cancer and had been confined to a wheelchair for the past year , lost his parliamentary majority five months ago but had clung to office despite opposition protests .
3 He ran out of sponsorship money and had to take on odd jobs like window cleaning to fund his Formula Three programme .
4 The FISA president said the sanction against Mansell was for this breach of security rules and had nothing to do with his failure to stop after a black flag was waved at him three times .
5 This Manager was a member of Group Personnel and had a central function overseeing the future development and maintenance of the system ( eg , administering global changes ; end of year tax information ) as well as providing Dartford Site Services ( see figures 4 and 5 for the resulting organisation ) .
6 At a meeting last summer , he mentioned that he was suffering from a sudden bout of back pain and had just visited an acupuncturist .
7 Editors were in control of news output and had no qualms about ‘ manipulating ’ news content .
8 In fact timbers rarely survive to be discovered on archaeological sites , and when they do they are not always in good enough condition to be used for dating ; furthermore , if they were part of timber structures and had been shaped , not enough of the ring pattern may survive .
9 Frederick Chiluba , who addressed several thousand MMD supporters in pouring rain , was chairman-general of the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions and had been elected as MMD president at its first national convention on Feb. 27-March 2 , nearly three months after the enactment of multiparty legislation [ see p. 37909 ] .
10 Brazil 's ninth national conference on health in August 1992 was an important opportunity to discuss the movement towards decentralisation and democratisation of health care and had as its motto ‘ municipalisation is the only way . ’
11 They usually disappointed everyone by recalling that he was remarkable for his unremarkableness , just another kid on the block ; not a hero , not a superstar at sports , not especially remembered for outstanding feats of school bravado nor had he made any particular impression on the girls .
12 At first he had tried to look at the newspapers regularly to search for job vacancies and had sent application forms to prospective employers .
13 Whether the cisterns were purely for water supply or had some ritual function as well is open to question .
14 Susan 's cousin , Craig O'Mahoney , was born with heart problems and had to be rushed to a hospital on Tyneside .
15 However , after changes in the housing benefit regulations , his substantial income had dropped , and he had fallen into arrears with mortgage payments and had been unable to sell the house .
16 Ann and Beth had married into farming families and had the same careworn faces and workworn hands as had his wife and mother .
17 Other than for Tutorial Classes , the WEA as a Responsible Body had not only traditionally provided the organisation for student demand but had also appointed its own tutors and approved syllabuses for courses within its Chapter III provision .
18 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
19 All the generators , with the exception of the Forgen , arrived in kit form and had to have their blades attached .
20 But this grant cut across the claims of the Nevilles , who already held two thirds of the honour 's land in Richmondshire in tail male and had the reversion of the other third .
21 But this grant cut across the claims of the Nevilles , who already held two thirds of the honour 's land in Richmondshire in tail male and had the reversion of the other third .
22 Explaining their resignations in terms of the desire to " recover [ their ] freedom " , Wade said that he and the other PDS ministers had been excluded from government action and had only been party to decisions over " trivial " issues .
23 And there had been a few lines from Ellen , proving that Oreste so far from being carried to heaven by an angel was firmly rooted in East Retford and had grown another two inches .
24 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
25 The English had not taken any important part in this ; voyages from Bristol at the end of the fifteenth century had reached a few points in North America and had opened up cod fisheries off Newfoundland , and in the 1550s London merchants had used the northern searoutes to start trading with Russia , but most of the nation 's energies overseas in the first half of the sixteenth century had been devoted to the last and least rewarding of the attempts to conquer France .
26 A Garda spokesman said he believed that the drugs had originated in north Africa and had been brought ashore from a yacht .
27 It was followed , on 18 June , by a letter from Franco to Hitler , in which the Caudillo indicated that he was prepared to enter the war on the Axis ' side , once the latter had recognized Spain 's right to a portion of territory in North Africa and had provided sufficient economic and military aid to enable the Spanish Army to be placed on a war footing .
28 It was run by a couple of brothers who had started with one large pub in North London and had built the company , by dint of aggressive take-over tactics and shrewd property dealing , to a sizeable enterprise with a turnover of nearly forty million pounds .
29 Admittedly these characteristics became more obvious later on ; Kim Il Sung was dependent on the Soviet Union for assistance in the early years in north Korea and had to tread warily .
30 What can you say about a club which apparently could not afford to stay in hotel accommodation but had no problem finding 5,000 dollars to slip into a referee 's back pocket ?
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