Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] over [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A wave of tiredness swept over her once they were served .
2 Finally Fran led the way down the gangplank , feeling waves of tiredness washing over her .
3 ‘ Next was the lobster , ’ said Auguste , waves of tiredness sweeping over him .
4 Sometimes though a terrible feeling of dread came over her .
5 A wave of sympathy swept over him , some of which must have shown on his face , for Connon now smiled at him ironically .
6 The threat of exposure hanging over her , so close that she had dwelled since — since when ? — as if she inhabited a thick cloud of suffocating fog .
7 Jesus felt a gentle sense of irony steal over him .
8 Her protest died on her lips as his arms brushed across her breasts , and a fierce feeling of confusion swept over her .
9 ‘ I was n't laughing , ’ she said , all too horribly aware of a wave of disappointment washing over her .
10 Most extraordinary thing : as wife shoves high-chair into car 's rear suspension and I quietly herniate myself on a couple of bags filled with Devon mud and light aggregate thieved from local quarry by children , strange sense of loss creeps over me .
11 They came on to the golden sand and stood in silence , winds of light moving over them plainly , despite the brightness of the evening sunshine .
12 And when Crowe declared at lunch , England reappeared with the spectre of defeat hanging over them .
13 The tent was all colours and none , odd flurries of snow snaking over it sibilantly ; hardly exciting .
14 It was totally dark , blacker and denser than the darkest night — even after dawn should have come — as the thick cloud of ash hung over them , cutting off the light from the sun .
15 A sudden wave of panic swept over her and she glanced at the others but it did n't seem as if she was going to learn anything for the moment .
16 Reid felt the first spasm of panic sweeping over him for he knew what Lester was after but Reid just grunted back at Piggott which provided no encouragement at all and he must have been one of the most relieved jockeys in the race to see the starting stalls open for even in the parade beforehand he still had visions of Lester taking over .
17 A covering of green arched over it , so thick that no rain came through .
18 Waves of cold ran over me , over my flesh and through my body .
19 She made the headlines by having a glass of wine thrown over her at the plushy Caprice restaurant in London .
20 A feeling of helplessness came over him .
21 An unaccustomed feeling of helplessness washed over him .
22 And then , as they all stood laughing and chattering in the cold wind , the sense of desolation swept over him again .
23 For some reason which she could not understand a feeling of desolation swept over her .
24 She could just make out the shape of the fork stuck in the ground , the bulbs scattered around as she had left them , and as the moon disappeared behind the clouds she shivered and a feeling of desolation flooded over her .
25 Her brief confusion at his sudden rejection of her had evaporated ; now she could see things very clearly indeed , and the hot flush of embarrassment washed over her .
26 He had no such means of casting spells over her .
27 A wave of guilt washed over her and receded , leaving her feeling slightly sick .
28 A wave of guilt washed over her which she angrily pushed aside .
29 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
30 But after an hour or so of trudging into the stiff wind , a slight feeling of despair crept over me .
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