Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 This need would be particularly acute in mature schemes where most members are drawing their pensions and the need for income generating investments is greatest .
2 Typical adsorption and platelet adhesion-activation results for phosphorylcholine treated biomaterials are shown in Table 2 .
3 The theoretical outline presented for light scattering studies is valid for electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths .
4 Each man was sentenced to five years for conspiracy to defraud Lloyd 's of London of £1.8 million , five years concurrently for conspiracy to steal £1.2 million from their firm — for which the £533,000 fine was also imposed — and 12 months concurrently for conspiracy to commit false accounting .
5 It comes as no surprise , for example , to discover that the argument about poststructuralism neglecting history was initiated by those whose own intellectual formation can be identified with the existential Marxist humanism of the New Left of the 1950s and early 1960s .
6 Anybody who knows anything about football knows confidence is of paramount importance .
7 So we ca n't we do n't usually talk about ligand gated channels being sodium channels , they 'll normally pass more than one type of cation fairly non-selectively , they do n't really mind .
8 Biological activity of platelet activating factor was measured by platelet aggregation using a Chrono-log Corporation aggregometer .
9 Pancreatic blood flow as measured by laser Doppler flowmetry at the end of a five hour infusion of caerulein or five hours after injection of platelet activating factor was reduced by about 50% ( Fig 5 ) .
10 As the administration of platelet activating factor was reported to increase the release of leukotriene C 4 that is known to cause a potent vasoconstriction , it is likely that both platelet activating factor and LTC 4 play a synergistic role in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis .
11 Extraction of platelet activating factor was performed during 10 hours at -4°C using a ‘ roller ’ .
12 The mucosal content of platelet activating factor was higher ( p<0.01 ) in inflamed than in non-inflamed mucosa , but no significant correlation was observed with the severity of mucosal inflammation ( Fig 3 ) .
13 Platelet activating factor ( PAF-ACETHER or PAF ) and precursors of platelet activating factor were investigated in 26 patients with acute Crohn 's disease and in 10 healthy controls .
14 The content of calcitonin gene related peptide ( 0.75 ( 0.08 ) pmol/g , b=5 ) in the gastric corpus wall of capsaicin pretreated rats was reduced by 90% compared with the gastric peptide content in vehicle pretreated animals ( 7.55 ( 0.84 ) pmol/g , n=5 , p<0.01 ) .
15 judge entitled to take into account the subsequent fitting of handrail indicating path was a candidate for special treatment and to conclude d's system in conditions prevailing at the time in question was inadequate .
16 However , a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said exposure was not the cause of death , adding that while there was snow on the ground it was not terribly cold .
17 The idea that certain analyses of literature reject aestheticism is , in fact , a fairly crude parody of the Marxist and feminist positions .
18 Sorry M J Finch , but I feel your views a little narrow ; of course trade references are limited to the questions asked , so ask the right ones !
19 And of course show business is n't considered a trade or a craft , but it really is .
20 made the evening quite memorable — i guess sunderland are not too popular up in newcastle ehh ? what about leeds — equally hated ? actually — to the newcastle fans credit — i was hearing words like ‘ that 's futballing class ’ when liverpool from time to time delivered the goods … ruddock of course got booh 's every time he was near the ball …
21 However , the growth of economic nationalism on a world-wide scale during the war , the re-drawing of the political map of Europe , the effect of the Versailles Treaty , and the large debt due to the Americans to help pay for the war , all ensured that the freedom of action to expand welfare was strictly limited .
22 The list of HMG-box containing proteins is growing rapidly , comprising a variety of functions the common activity of which seems to be their ability to bind DNA through this domain ( 3-9 ) .
23 From many heads of department written comments were received , especially in cases of errors of fact , and the head summarized these .
24 Whilst dealers were firing difficult questions at the representative of an CTC traded company on the floor of one licensed dealer a couple of light fingered dealers were at work , helping themselves to their colleagues leads .
25 Metabolic activity of sulphate reducing bacteria was , however , well below values usually found in non-methanogenic subjects , and viable counts of sulphate reducing bacteria were too low to explain the marked drop in methanogenesis .
26 Viable counts of sulphate reducing bacteria were never found above the detection limit of 10 2 /g faeces in non-responders ( Table III ) .
27 Metabolic activity of sulphate reducing bacteria was , however , well below values usually found in non-methanogenic subjects , and viable counts of sulphate reducing bacteria were too low to explain the marked drop in methanogenesis .
28 Although the basal lamina remained visible at many places , the gastric pits of vehicle pretreated rats were uniformly filled with gastric glands ( Figs 5E and F ) .
29 For safety purposes , the servicing of petroleum carrying vehicles is carried out in a separate work area .
30 The surface of machine made paper is rather mechanical compared to handmade paper or mould-made sheets .
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