Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [Wh det] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The pursuit of fantasy solutions has repeatedly drained energy from the much more difficult business of pursuing workable models for change which are rooted in what actually happens and could be made to happen in our schools .
2 Law 8 , Advantage states ‘ The referee shall not whistle for an infringement during play which is followed by an advantage gained by the offending team … a mere opportunity to gain advantage is not sufficient ’ .
3 The function for English preferred by the Committee , then , is one of aligning the popular imagination and culture , ( what is elsewhere called the " public mind " ( see p.46 ) ) with a sense of communal identity having sufficient " sanity " to neutralize not only " the hostility towards " the culture of capitalism " now prevalent in Bolshevist Russia " , but indeed that antagonism and contempt for literature which is said to be found among " the working classes , especially those belonging to organised labour movements " .
4 He possessed a genius for friendship which is reflected in the many literary people who knew , liked , and respected him , from Arthur Waugh and Vyvyan Holland to Siegfried Sassoon [ q.v. ] ( a distant relative ) and the Sitwells [ qq.v . ] .
5 If you take pain killers regularly you like thousands of others have probably been worried after hearing what 's happening to Michael Jackson .
6 The channels are antagonized by a compound known as alphabungarotoxin which is obtained from sna snake velom , venom .
7 It should be remembered that parents do not have a statutory right to withdraw their children but governors have a duty to make a decision on any application for withdrawal which is made to them .
8 Following the extensive tour , our visitors joined all the JMSA employees for lunch which was held in a marquee overlooking our soccer field , where later in the afternoon a Wadeville team was to do battle against a team from the Germiston plant .
9 Once we have discussed some of the different ways of thinking about law which are raised by the contributions in this section , we will try to place these within a wider framework and so work towards an assessment of the potential role of law and lawyers within the peace movement .
10 For further explanation of the attitude of respect for law which is discussed below see Raz ibid. , ch. 13 .
11 Both categories are dangerous because of the subjective and inadequate forms of assessment which are used and the social , educational and economic effects on those labelled .
12 However , it is important to emphasize this step in the process because failure to do so results in a concept of assessment which is limited to a relatively unskilled , technical task of data collection .
13 A further source of variation is generational position , with some changes occurring in the type of support which is given and the direction in which it flows over each person 's life course .
14 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
15 Again to quote Hopwood ( 1984 , p. 179 ) : ‘ Accounting , by shaping the realm of the visible , can have a major impact on the significance that is attached to both organizational life as it is and the directions of change which are considered desirable . ’
16 It is suggested that there are three types of change which are needed .
17 Ageism-awareness campaigns and anti-ageist strategies , while essential are not sufficient to bring about the level of change which is required .
18 ‘ I do n't need one , ’ Theda returned , brushing the back of her hand at a lock of hair which was blowing across her face .
19 If you have read this far , and have contemplated the examples of discrimination which are quoted , then join the debate : do not dismiss the problem .
20 In her book Green Pharmacy Barbara Griggs describes some of the grotesque side-effects of mercury which was administered as a care for syphilis .
21 It is a thin , lubricated sheath made of polyurethane which is inserted into the vagina in a similar way to a diaphragm .
22 Of this vast quantity of building which was achieved between 146 B.C. and A.D. 476 only a small fraction exists today and often this is in the best condition in the provinces of the Empire , despite the fact that the examples were generally less magnificent .
23 Even if the catechisms of ‘ correct thought ’ are updated and find new roots , and old upbeat endings are set to more popular and contemporary tunes , they will not be able to generate the more intricate models or maps which are required to confront successfully the types of racism which are evidenced by our two transcripts .
24 Both policy forms are , however , concerned with inequalities , discrimination , and differential treatment based on colour and the forms of racism which are used as justifications for such behaviour .
25 It also provides staff with experience in the development of assessment procedures , and this experience should be valuable preparation for the more extensive devolution of responsibility which is envisaged by the Council .
26 Most Government property is owned by the Ministry of Defence which is bringing back families from Germany and other parts of the world and those properties are needed for them .
27 Turning now to the manic alternative to depression , we find that in welfare totalitarianisms periodic alcoholic intoxication constitutes the externalized equivalent of the purely psychic state of intoxication which is produced by internal means in the manic individual .
28 In the current era of food surpluses , efforts are being made to reduce production , both by political manoeuvre ( e.g. set aside and diversification ) and a return to sustainable systems of agriculture which are perceived as going back to traditional methods .
29 In the lowlands it is the prosperity of agriculture which is contributing to landscape change by allowing increasing investment in new capital-intensive forms of production .
30 The SELECT operator in the relational algebra is different from the SELECT statement of SQL which is described in Chapter 8 .
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