Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But you see there was always this thought that it was always to better yourself that you were doing this that your Orcadian was just for home about and among yourselves and what it did n't really matter .
2 A gaggle of Bonefish 's children were in constant , but changing , attendance , sometimes helping me , but more often chasing each other in a complicated game of tag up and over Masquerade 's hull .
3 Its interest in maintaining ‘ sheer physical order and political peace ’ ( 30 ) may lead it to act against existing economic interests and class structure ; moreover , its involvement with other states is a basis for potential autonomy of action over and against groups and economic arrangements within its jurisdiction .
4 One of these base pairs erm another combination is substituted , either by , by er some kind of error in or by the influence of something like erm bac background radiation or some kind of chemical effect or something like that .
5 But I think we soaked a lot of pressure up and in the end , I think we deserved the points .
6 That used to be with er a piece of net in and across the top used to have two piece of wire , one way , and two piece the other and you catch a crab open the crab open and they used to put the crab between there and the whelks used to feed on the crab and then when you pulled it out , they all went to the bottom of the net .
7 Overall the GRiD 386NX was a rugged performer , it was noticeably faster than many desktop systems , and never missed a beat in over 12,000 miles of air travel via six airports , and 1,500 miles of travel up and down America 's rugged Pacific Coastline .
8 Yes and put a bit of fertilizer on and on one side , I think that side , you see , they have n't come back as well .
9 and your point in this context , it , as I say the context in which I 've asked you to address me , I suppose you would say , erm given the matters are arguable or whatever the test is under those issues , er , nevertheless if you allow the case that 's been put up , erm , either by way of defence or by way of set up or by way of counter claim to impede the collection of funds , erm , then er you are not then you are erm , erm taking a measure which could could , jeopardize the of the objectives of this treaty , er whereas I image you will say , or you might say , I do n't know , erm , provided this does n't impede the collection of central funds erm , in the meantime , if er the defendants wish to pursue their counterclaim to trial then er , there 's nothing to prevent them from doing so
10 Ear infections with eczema around and behind the ears .
11 Of single size with metal up and over door .
12 Their views are balanced , their visions diverse , but they have had interesting lives both here and abroad , and have each , in different measure contributed to society over and beyond their work ( one of my yardsticks of measuring people because of the effort involved ) .
13 I wrote off to Time Out and in early February 1981 found myself surrounded by eight or nine other blind socialists discussing the formation of the Alternative Talking Newspapers Collective .
14 Finally taking a look at traffic in and around Nottingham 's roads the vehicles I can see are moving steadily .
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