Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [is] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Living in Soweto , for instance is like living in an occupied camp .
2 We are concerned , however , to learn from various Territorial Army representatives that the Ministry of Defence is considering cutting TA and other reserves by a disproportionate amount compared with the regulars .
3 With readily available liquid assets , however , the risk of the occasional shortage of money is worth taking .
4 BEWARE OF OVER-ENTHUSIASTIC FINANCIAL ORGANISATIONS The only way to keep control of money is by handling it yourself .
5 The risk in this course of action is of missing out on a rally if the City is comfortable with the election result .
6 One way in which the 1975 legislation can be said to have further endorsed the domestic division of labour is by making provision of widows ' pensions by occupational schemes one condition of approval by the Occupational Pensions Board .
7 As might be expected , how useful the process of review is in proposing changes , and the extent to which teachers favoured going on to a second round of the scheme are both significant , those thinking that it is very or fairly useful being slightly positive and those thinking it not very or not at all useful , being slightly negative .
8 The skill of research is in accessing fundamental points quickly and substantiating them with hard data .
9 The most obvious way to assess men 's awareness of AIDS is by measuring their use of condoms .
10 A poem is good because of its emotional content and the feeling of the poet which is placed in the symbols of words , and the true joy of poetry is in feeling the same emotions as the poet .
11 In addition to selling paintings through different galleries and open exhibitions and using various publicity devices to attract private commissions , another good way of selling a quantity of work is by having a solo exhibition .
12 The whole of business is about taking an acceptable risk .
13 It used to be argued that turbulence was necessary to ensure the oxygenation of the water and the continuation of the food supply , but it is now thought that the main role of turbulence is in getting rid of excess carbon dioxide .
14 One method for a company to identify the sources of stress is by having a ‘ stress audit ’ , which is a yearly check on ten to 20 per cent of the workforce , using questionnaires together with group and on-to-one interviews , on how they are doing and what problems they have had .
15 The concept of idea-management is about finding and taking care of ideas for change in the organization 's operations , concerning both products and processes .
16 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
17 This sort of listing is worth knowing by a reader , who may occasionally notice that it underlies the degree of attention being paid to a theme by a critic .
18 They would have failed to recognize and acknowledge that what we have on the basis of sense-experience is worth having , and worthy of the name of knowledge .
19 The only way to win a war of attrition is by halting the enemy 's advance and cutting off all the aggressor 's supply lines .
20 But , in a sense , all of life is about learning to cope with old age .
21 Ben Kingsley plays Martin Boyns , a middle-aged engineer at the turn of the century who feels that life has passed him by , and his one chance of happiness is in marrying his longtime friend , Rose Sellars ( Kim Novak ) .
22 This means that the only opportunity for perfecting the art of sentencing is by practising on actual offenders .
23 The topic of integration is worth looking at in somewhat more detail .
24 The tremendous sense of liberation is in seeing this not as an obstacle to faith , a rock of doubt which blocks progress , but as a part of the essence of life itself .
25 One of the most frequently recurring memories of childhood is of picking primroses .
26 One of the many ways in which grown-ups take a mean advantage of the innocence of childhood is by creating bogies as aids to authority .
27 This uninvited , almost uncontrollable , welling of memory is like finding a hard splinter in the soft , flabby flesh of my real life .
28 The Lloyds Register of Shipping is considering relocating to the town .
29 The simplest way of starting is by intervening ( sometimes very briefly ) in play corner activities , taking on a role yourself in the children 's own play .
30 Put another way , ‘ The protection given by the law of copyright is against copying , the basis of the protection being that one man must not be permitted to appropriate the result of another 's labour ’ ( LB [ Plastics ] v. Swish ) .
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