Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [subord] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sinatra also held the rights to the movie and withdrew it from the public domain shortly after release because it closely shadowed the Kennedy assassination .
2 This budget is extremely useful for management as it clearly sets out the short-term objectives and targets for the forthcoming budget period and is in a form that is easy to comprehend .
3 Finish drying with the diffuser , pushing it on to each section of hair so it almost touches the scalp .
4 Law firm Healy & Baillie has accused the agency , which is an offshoot of Lloyd 's of London insurance market , of negligence after it allegedly inspected the passenger ship Scandinavian Star and approved its safety shortly before its tragic voyage .
5 A realistic linguistics of literary texts which yields interpretations of this sort is incompatible with the institution of literature as it presently stands .
6 Kodak , for example , is beginning to reap the same sorts of advantage as it carefully allocates supply among all its producing units .
7 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
8 The area was once covered by a glacier hundreds of feet deep , carving valleys out of rock as it slowly ground its way towards the distant Tasman Sea .
9 So often , when a company introduces a new model , there follows a wave of disappointment when it invariably fails to break any new ground .
10 De Lubac , von Balthasar , Bouyer and Jacques Maritain could cry ‘ treason ’ , but Marxism , structuralism and post-structuralism collectively devastated the French School of Theology until it almost ceased significantly to exist .
11 Mr Cattell said : ‘ Job cuts in the textile industry do not normally attract a lot of attention because it largely employs women , but textiles is a very important part of the North-East 's economy and a very important source of employment . ’
12 We had some extremely hot gear lying around so we asked them if they 'd have a go at getting rid of it for us out of town where it maybe would have cooled down somewhat .
13 We do n't want to get too much into these complicated terms , but the School of Education is the link between the University and other institutions of higher education like Brighton Polytechnic and the West Sussex Institute of Education as it now is , and of course , up to now , colleges at Eastbourne like Chelsea and the Eastbourne College of Education .
14 It is also part of the process of learning because it again concentrates their mind on what they need to do better fine .
15 The charge is then transferred onto a sheet of paper where it then attracts ( or repels ) particles of finely ground black plastic and so creates the black and white areas of the finished page .
16 The roar of applause when it later rids itself of them may boost its popularity at a critical moment .
17 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
18 Illness occurs when these pictures are refused the opportunity to conform with pictures of life as it actually is .
19 Despite his casual dress of jeans and shirt , there was still an air of sophistication about him that was in sharp variance to those around him , and she cursed Donal again for his stupid sense of humour because it now put her in the most ridiculous position .
20 Over the last five years 50 per cent of Germany 's energy producing capacity has been equipped with flue gas desulphurisation systems ( FGD ) which removes the bulk of sulphur before it even reaches the chimney .
21 His little show would n't stand much chance of survival if it even hinted at a bad ‘ season ’ to come .
22 Peter Ashman , legal secretary of Justice , said : ‘ The profession is more willing to admit miscarriages of justice than it once was .
23 More importantly , the ending escapes the cliché in countless films of a marriage being halted in the nick of time although it most resembles the climax of a 1928 Harold Lloyd comedy , Speedy .
24 Such courageous integrity can look like arrogance since it apparently rejected the means to an understanding of the faith acquired by the tested traditions of academic and spiritual disciplines or social mores .
25 Nevertheless there were times when Alexander Ramsay had to admit to himself that he found all this , essential and worth while as it certainly was , somehow less than satisfying after all the excitements of the recent past ; a feeling of being understretched as it were , less than fully challenged .
26 Thereafter , clause 54 was not the subject of further debate and passed into law as it now stands as section 63 of the Act .
27 The show came under attack before it even opened because one critic said it contained erotic love scenes , a roller skating comic and a simulated sex act .
28 In these latter cases , it will be difficult to defend as comment unless it clearly appears as a mere expression of opinion which a fair-minded man could honestly infer from the facts upon which the comment is said to based .
29 This argument has received wide currency , in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their manipulator .
30 This argument has received wide currency , in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their manipulator .
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