Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] over [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes though a terrible feeling of dread came over her .
2 It was totally dark , blacker and denser than the darkest night — even after dawn should have come — as the thick cloud of ash hung over them , cutting off the light from the sun .
3 Waves of cold ran over me , over my flesh and through my body .
4 A feeling of helplessness came over him .
5 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
6 But after an hour or so of trudging into the stiff wind , a slight feeling of despair crept over me .
7 She looked down and saw Ana 's hand firmly held by Mitch and a twinge of sadness fluttered over her as she wandered away .
8 Staff were thus subject to military law and discipline ( Sartorius 1976 ) and the threat of militarization hung over them , although it was not actually used during the Franco period .
9 A heavy air of preoccupation hung over him for days after his return , and I recall once , in reply to my inquiring how he had enjoyed his trip , his remarking : ‘ Disturbing , Stevens .
10 A feeling of elation came over him , the same feeling he 'd had when Mary had left .
11 But erm , you know , there 's a wonderful picture , I do n't know if you 've seen it , by Salvador Dali , called Sleep , which is a kind of head-like figure , it 's a figure which is mainly a head with a kind of sheet draped over it , supported on crutches , lots of crutches , and this kind of represents this , and the idea that if one of the crutches were to move , the figure would wake up .
12 A dull presentiment of hurt came over me .
13 Once I actually got inside the privacy of the polling booth , a wave of doubt came over me .
14 But in the Thorn , the Mad Mother , and the Complaint of a Poor Indian Woman , I felt that deeper power and pathos which have been since acknowledged … as the characteristics of this author ; and the sense of a new style and a new spirit in poetry came over me .
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