Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , and perhaps inevitably arising out of the first situation , the young adult who joins the sub-culture of deafness and uses sign language has , in the community 's eyes , given up the search for sameness and therefore society 's help comes in a ‘ care for the disabled ’ package .
2 If any part does constitute such a gain , then that part is taxed as income and not capital .
3 Its plural , " working classes " , allows for differentiation and even hierarchy among the lower orders but still reflects nineteenth- rather than eighteenth-century usage .
4 The same kinds of symptom may be present throughout , or the disorder may manifest itself in different forms at different life stages , perhaps as conduct disorder or delinquency in childhood , but in adulthood as alcoholism or even schizophrenia .
5 By not only relieving David Gower of the captaincy , which was inevitable , but omitting him altogether the selectors provoked an uproar ; they came up with a party that had only two specialist openers , an inexperienced middle order , and some fast bowlers who were virtually untried , injury-prone and had a reputation for speed but not accuracy .
6 We need to seek answers in the range of influences that guide migration decision making , particularly in those forces responsible for investment and thus employment , in changing residential preferences , and in the interaction between demographic change and the housing stock .
7 It goes against all of my training doctrines for fear and not trust is introduced into the relationship — to its detriment from that moment onward .
8 Because the dancers ' gestures register despair , anger , appeals for help and then resignation , the emotional content of the whole is overwhelming .
9 But we do ourselves no service if we neglect to ask fundamental , difficult questions about our understanding of some of the key issues , processes and terms involved ; if we ignore contradictions in our underlying discourses ; if we fail to grapple with the limitations of our assumptions about pedagogy and how subjects and subjectivities are formed ; and if we fail to notice how economic , political and cultural differentiations are undermining older fixities around the ethnic , class and political identities of the minority communities .
10 Looking for something between sovereignty and not sovereignty .
11 There is nothing between sovereignty and not sovereignty .
12 And the war , rather than being the product of imperialism , arose from an infinitely complex interaction between European and indeed world developments .
13 They thrive on what would normally be regarded as overcrowding , as this reduces the potential for territoriality and hence aggression .
14 On May 9 the KDP and the PUK had issued a joint communiqué in which they declared that the elections should be " a factor of unity and not disunity in our ranks " , that the results of the elections should be accepted and that " all armed manifestations " , particularly on election day , should be forbidden .
15 And no puzzle of human design can match the complexity and ingenuity required to build a nest — weaving the moss , twigs , pieces of hair and even lengths of wool and man-made fibres , collected in a myriad shapes and lengths , into a cosy den that no human could ever imitate .
16 What these things can do is to enhance the quality of life by helping us to transmute ‘ stress ’ into positive challenges , thus preventing the onset of apathy or even depression .
17 The Minoans gave their gods , goddesses and spirits names , areas of responsibility and probably personalities and personal histories , and yet — to judge from the iconography — the deities were capable of endless overlapping transformations .
18 Recommendation ( ix ) calls upon local offices and the Department of Social Security to give higher priority to those entering residential care to make sure that their claims for income support are processed in good time so that people do not have weeks of worry or possibly weeks in a home without paying .
19 The force of this moral authority becomes clearer when discussions within the Association touching specifically upon the pedagogic uses of literature and indeed language are considered .
20 At first sight the paradox that liberalism requires not only freedom of contract but also freedom to breach any contract is quickly resolved .
21 Make your own natural remedy by melting 40g of beeswax in a double boiler , blending in 30g of honey and then 55g of sesame oil .
22 As experience with the procedure has increased a wide range of functional results has been reported ; some patients achieve virtually normal bowel function , whereas a few suffer from urgency and frequency of defecation and even incontinence .
23 Second , incarnation stresses the pathway of weakness and even failure that is the pattern of discipleship .
24 However , in general , the methods traditionally used by engineers to manage and control the large number of complex and interacting factors contributing to design tend to be qualitative and involve value judgements , the lessons of experience and ultimately pragmatism .
25 Those expecting a veering away from the aforesaid jazz café soul direction will be disappointed ; Weller plays more guitar than before , but it is a sparkly , jazzbo sort of guitar and not feedback mod or anything like that .
26 The desirable goals of accurate reading of handwriting or indeed recognition of spoken words have almost been achieved .
27 Is my hon. Friend aware that we hold entirely responsible for this delay the former Labour Member of Parliament and now Commissioner in Brussels , Bruce Millan , who is playing a fairly despicable party political game ?
28 Thus it is clear that ( a ) affirms the footballer ; ( b ) also affirms the footballer because the speaker has made it clear that it is a personal reaction of liking or disliking which has nothing to do with appreciation of football 's being a good game ; ( c ) is affirming also because although criticism of the game is stated , its positive value comes first , and in any case the keen footballer is likely to be the first to agree that the level of enjoyment varies according to different games of football ; ( d ) however veers towards dismissal of football and therefore dismissal of what is meaningful to the footballer , because although it acknowledges that sometimes it is a good game the emphasis is on the negative side ; ( e ) is not affirming because even though the hurt to the footballer is cushioned by making it clear that this is a personal opinion , a very negative judgement is in fact articulated ; ( f ) has the straight effect of dismissing the footballer as well as football because it implies that anyone who spends time on football is stupid .
29 Code switches or style shifts often ( though not always ) mark changes of persona and hence changes of footing within the conversation .
30 Since anger is the only respected currency , it becomes extraordinarily difficult for genuine feelings of distress or even sorrow to be expressed by prisoners .
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