Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun prp] and [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 play it right , went to the Rose and Crown after South Crostade and played darts
2 I left my sack at the top of Cairn Lochan and scrambled down to the foot of Savage Slit .
3 In a series of lunges he cut off a sector of north Vietnam and isolated much of Laos .
4 The author noted that the zone should be extended to all the states of Southeast Asia and raised the question of its full demilitarisation .
5 Continuing to pursue its development strategy , LVMH has consolidated its presence in the potentially strong markets of south-east Asia and reinforced its distribution network , notably in Mexico ( in association with United Distillers ) for its wines and spirits portfolio , in Eastern Europe for its perfume business , and in Japan for the RoC cosmetics brand .
6 The vehicle hit a rut in the road near Market Lavington and overturned .
7 During the course of his visit Yeltsin made clear his desire to improve relations with South Korea and indicated that Russian forces in the Far East would be reduced sharply , and that military aid to North Korea would be suspended .
8 This isolation was accentuated as , during the course of the year , the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with South Korea and showed every sign of wanting to increase economic co-operation with the capitalist South [ see p. 37714 ] .
9 After the bleak , tortured inconsistency of his last LP , ‘ Black Sheets Of Rain ’ — which marked the end of his solo deal with Virgin America and brought the final curtain down on his immediate life , post-Hüsker-Dü — ‘ Copper Blue ’ is , without doubt , the dawning of a new era .
10 yes okay replied to various of your constituents and have conducted a robust discussion on this matter with councillor Jane and recorded in the the Cambridge evening news , I 'm sorry I have n't replied , right .
11 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
12 The court heard how in February 1977 he 'd jumped into Janie 's car while it was parked in West London and forced her to drive to the countryside at knife point .
13 The package , which the Yard said was addressed to his wife , was examined by explosives officers at Notting Hill police station in west London and found to contain a compact disc .
14 Roy Bradford who had been a member of the Executive stood as an Ulster Unionist in East Belfast but without the support of UUUC , and Tom Conaty who was well known as Chairmen of the Central Citizens Defence Committee ( CCDC ) stood as an Independent in West Belfast and identified himself as a Catholic representative .
15 Born in 1911 , James Kelly grew up in West Belfast and caught the journalism bug early .
16 Renberg and Hellberg ( 1982 ) , for example , analysed diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores in south-west Sweden and found that since deglaciation of the area about 12,500 years ago , the pH of the lakes had decreased from about 7 to about 6 due to natural long-term oligotrophication and acidification .
17 He had earlier fought with the naval armoured car brigade which landed at Walfish ( now Walvis ) Bay in South-West Africa and helped Gen Botha to take the German colony .
18 The American occupation misunderstood the nature of the unrest in south Korea and attributed it to the machinations of the communists .
19 A study of , for example , St Francis of Assisi and the Hindu mystic Sri Ramana , who founded a flourishing ashram in South India and died in 1950 , could be illuminating .
20 Arthur went back to life alone in his rooms in South Kensington and wondered how to proceed .
21 I was Secretary of the miner 's support group that was set up in Blaenau during the year long miner 's s strike where we collected a lot of food and twinned with a town down in South Wales and made a lot of new friends .
22 In the 1960s a man with an American accent arrived at a coastal resort in South Wales and announced that he represented an American corporation which wished to purchase a leisure and amusement arcade in the town .
23 The court had heard that Chalmers , who was training for the ministry with the Rev Ian Paisley 's Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster , had lured the boy into a church in South Belfast and abused him .
24 IN 1802 a giant dahlia ( D. coccinea ) , which grew six foot tall and had yellow , orange , scarlet and maroon flowers , was introduced from South America and caused a sensation .
25 The sugar consumed in the island is now imported in bulk from mainland Portugal and bagged here .
26 William Whiteley , a former Tutorial Class student at Rugby and a James Stuart Exhibitioner at Trinity College , Cambridge , in 1929–30 , was appointed as WEA resident tutor in East Suffolk and moved to Ipswich in September 1930 .
27 Eventually , he settled in East Dulwich and opened a small grocer 's shop .
28 And there had been a few lines from Ellen , proving that Oreste so far from being carried to heaven by an angel was firmly rooted in East Retford and had grown another two inches .
29 Jack was a native of Crook in County Durham and played for the local amateur side as a junior before signing for Newcastle at the age of 17 .
30 A woman drove a van into the garage at Cooksdown in County Tyrone and asked him to fit a new exhaust .
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