Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun prp] to the " in BNC.

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1 In January 1920 Poland was awarded a Corridor to the sea through West Prussia to the Baltic coast .
2 It was about 13 miles from Hotel Vancouver and was reached by driving through Stanley Park , across the Lions ' Gate Bridge , then turning left through West Vancouver to the end of Marine Drive .
3 A notable feature of the ambers from Kakovatos is that they include spacer beads with convergent perforations like those on similar pieces from tumulus burials in south Germany , on the route from the amber coast of west Jutland to the Aegean world .
4 During his time as Bishop of Woolwich , responsible for an area stretching from the inner-city boroughs of South London to the Surrey commuter belt , David Sheppard conducted a survey of 150 parishes to show the electoral roll members of the Church of England as a percentage of the total population .
5 Much of the West 's money is laundered through its huge concentration of banks ; its registered shipping clogs the sea-lanes of half the globe ; its duty-free stores ( once the repository of Peruvian silver ) now hold immense quantities of electronic goods from the East ; and its beaches and airports bear daily witness to the transfer of cocaine from the impoverished producers of South America to the insatiable markets of the North .
6 In West Yorkshire to the South we have similar problems of inner city decline and there as we understand it the authorities wish to cater for their housing needs .
7 From 24 June , a service was provided with Corporation cars running from West Croydon to Penge terminus and a service from West Croydon to the Crystal Palace , using only South Metropolitan cars , which had the track brakes demanded for Anerley Hill .
8 In addition , for a short time bus route 64 was extended from West Croydon to the Robin Hood and to Elmers End Garage , but there proved not to be a demand for this service and it was soon cut back again .
9 INFORMATION Environments , a software and systems company , have moved from south-west London to the Research Park at Surrey University , Guildford .
10 Meanwhile in the United States important decisions were being taken , which established the essentials of American policy in south Korea to the outbreak of the Korean War .
11 For studies of the distribution and physiology of these species at various localities throughout their range see Edwards ( 1972 , 1973 , 1974 , 1975 ) ; for a study of experiments in introducing other vascular plants from South Georgia to the maritime Antarctic see Edwards ( 1980 ) .
12 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
13 It was a fumbling towards the shift of men and activity from South Wales to the Slough Trading Estate or from Scotland to the Ford factory at Dagenham which symbolized the economic geography of the later period of his power .
14 The list of suggested buyers is almost limitless -ranging from Royal Trust of Canada to National Australia Bank and from Credit Lyonnais to the Pru .
15 If we can not safely generalise even about the two districts we have come to know , still less , of course , can we generalise from East London to the rest of the country .
16 HEALTH chiefs are denying that taking critically injured patients from East Belfast to the Royal Victoria Hospital is a bridge too far .
17 Rostov stood at the crossroads of another traffic stream , from north-west Russia to the northern Caucasus by train and boat .
18 Developed in North America to the highest specification and standards .
19 Morocco , the only AMU country to send forces in support of the United States-led coalition in the Gulf , stressed that its 1,300-strong force in Saudi Arabia had a " defensive " role in guarding the Assafaniya oil refinery [ see also p. 37989 for opposition in North Africa to the Gulf war ] .
20 That is best illustrated by the fact that a similar case has been referred by another GP in north Devon to the same unit in Birmingham .
21 The sum of £250,000 has already been allocated to a number of projects , ranging from the purchase of Porthor in North Wales to the restoration of Biddulph Grange Garden where BBC gardening expert Geoff Hamilton accepted a cheque for £20,000 in May .
22 Don Bennett led from the front , he excelled in everything he did , eg flying a record-breaking 6,000 miles in Mercury , part of the Short Mayo composite , the setting-up and operation of the Atlantic Ferry during 1940 , bringing much-needed aircraft from North America to the UK .
23 The NSR involves plans to open an all-year-round shipping route from north Norway to the Far East along Russia 's northern coast .
24 At the same time Britain devolved its last colony in South-East Asia to the new Malaysia .
25 That rule does not purport to subject Winchester to the Rules .
26 I do n't know how he guessed ‘ t was me with Ellen the other day , but he swore vengeance three years ago when he was banished to his smaller estate and forced to hand Tracy to the Sheriff of Gloucester , and he does n't forget . ’
27 PC Week quotes Microsoft 's vice president , systems strategy John Lazarus as saying that IBM has rights under a previously secret codicil in their settlement last month to port NT to the RS/6000 : Microsoft is encouraging them to do it .
28 The actual status of Ham Hill is uncertain , but as one of the largest hillforts in the region it was probably occupied on the eve of the conquest , much like its counterpart at South Cadbury to the east .
29 EXCLUSIVE : The incredible feuding Spencers … by girl friday to the countess
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