Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] had " in BNC.

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1 Waves of data seethed in at her filtered through recognition systems that had never been hers .
2 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
3 found Bcl-2 mainly in the nuclear envelope and ER of insect cells that had been transfected with a human bcl-2 complementary DNA ( consistent with an earlier study by Liu et al. , which found endogenous Bcl-2 localized to both mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial sites of human tonsilar B cells ) .
4 The following were among the findings reported at a conference in Anchorage , Alaska : — brain damage in seals similar to that found in people who die from solvent abuse ; this would have disoriented the animals and affected basic physiological functions like breathing ; it is suspected that many seals drowned , but because dead seals sink an accurate assessment of deaths has not been possible ; — the disappearance of a group of killer whales that had lived in the sound , possibly also due to the " solvent abuse effect " ; — deaths among sea otters not only from hypothermia ( because oil stuck to their fur destroyed its insulating properties ) but from emphysema caused by breathing in toxic fumes and from liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil ; — failure to breed among many species of birds since the accident , either because of the death rate within colonies at the time ( in the case of guillemots ) or because continued exposure to oil-polluted food sources is preventing reproduction ; — death tolls of up to 40 per cent for eggs laid by salmon , herring and other fish , and deformities and withered muscles among fish that did hatch .
5 The members purchase shares for cash , and among the most promising results have been the emergence of a new entrepreneurial confidence , and the identification of investment possibilities that had not previously been perceived .
6 Nigel went along on his own with a nice little pair of mother-of-pearl binoculars that had been in the family for generations .
7 Beyond the houses the lane became a rough track crossing a bridge towards the forestry development , climbing up through the young trees of the forestry and out on to open country towards the summit of Shunner Fell , where , after much bog-trotting and splashing about , we hit the line of ash palings that had been laid down here to stop further erosion of the Pennine Way but which had very largely sunk into the bog .
8 Mr Prescott , who was given a rousing reception after his election to Labour 's national executive earlier this week , condemned Paul Channon , the former Secretary of State for Transport , for refusing to accept that government policies had played a part in the series of transport disasters that had occured over the last two years .
9 The FISA president said the sanction against Mansell was for this breach of security rules and had nothing to do with his failure to stop after a black flag was waved at him three times .
10 Hence , it was not surprising that , as an answer to the problem of unemployment , PEP should have seized upon the seductively plausible idea of retirement pensions that had originated in Labour circles ten years earlier .
11 This Manager was a member of Group Personnel and had a central function overseeing the future development and maintenance of the system ( eg , administering global changes ; end of year tax information ) as well as providing Dartford Site Services ( see figures 4 and 5 for the resulting organisation ) .
12 In fact timbers rarely survive to be discovered on archaeological sites , and when they do they are not always in good enough condition to be used for dating ; furthermore , if they were part of timber structures and had been shaped , not enough of the ring pattern may survive .
13 Frederick Chiluba , who addressed several thousand MMD supporters in pouring rain , was chairman-general of the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions and had been elected as MMD president at its first national convention on Feb. 27-March 2 , nearly three months after the enactment of multiparty legislation [ see p. 37909 ] .
14 It was Stellar ( 1954 ) who put the finger on the hypothalamus as the seat of motivation , basing his arguments on a number of lesion studies that had shown quite specific disturbances of motivation after lesions in this region .
15 Carefully , she drew her hair back from her temples , securing it with a pair of jet clips that had been her grandmother 's .
16 No considered view was offered on the underlying problems of prison conditions that had triggered the riots .
17 At first he had tried to look at the newspapers regularly to search for job vacancies and had sent application forms to prospective employers .
18 ‘ We 'll show him the sights , ’ McGowan said , and he leaned back and laughed , and the city lights on his mirror shades looked like gold zips that had come undone .
19 Susan 's cousin , Craig O'Mahoney , was born with heart problems and had to be rushed to a hospital on Tyneside .
20 While some argue that the anti-labour nature of many of the governments in such low-wage countries makes the task of the TNCs even easier , others argue that the TNCs tend to bring a more progressive atmosphere into labour relations than had previously been the case in such countries .
21 However , after changes in the housing benefit regulations , his substantial income had dropped , and he had fallen into arrears with mortgage payments and had been unable to sell the house .
22 Ann and Beth had married into farming families and had the same careworn faces and workworn hands as had his wife and mother .
23 Dzerzhinsky stressed that local authorities should collaborate with them , but at the centre he was adamant that they should take no part in transport decisions that had any , political implications .
24 She pointed out that the piebald donkey in leather boots that had for years pulled the mowing machine which cut the acres of grass at Deer Forest , was at the end of a useful life , and , in any case , the whole performance took up two working days of the farm labourer who drove her in long reins — reins thin as thread and cracked with age : there was nothing economical about that .
25 At a time when fashion , like much British culture , reflected predominantly middle-class values , and to escape these students were tapering their trousers and doing everything they could to make dull clothes more interesting , Minton 's stylish Bohemianism was much admired : he pioneered a taste for donkey jackets and had a flair for combining well-cut cast-offs and bow ties with eccentric items bought from Carnaby Street which had not yet become fashionable .
26 The county asked to borrow almost £46m for capital projects but had only been allowed to spend £11.64m on school buildings — a cut back of almost 50 per cent on last year 's spending .
27 None of these techniques proved particularly successful and in 1944 the tropical shelterwood system ( TSS ) was introduced , based on management techniques that had already proved successful in parts of the tropical forests of Malaysia .
28 The new Commonwealth was at least a genuinely voluntary union , and yet it was far from clear that it provided the answer to nationality differences that had for so long eluded the Gorbachev leadership .
29 The latter may have shared in that general relaxation of social attitudes to nonstandard varieties that had also occurred , for example , in public institutions such as the BBC .
30 But in addition to fuel , the UK greatly reduced the dependence on food imports that had characterized ‘ the workshop of the world ’ .
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