Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] he [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 There was one thing , of course , about which he had not lied .
2 He had made another visit as well , about which he had not told the King .
3 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
4 Barry made a four-minute court appearance in Washington on Feb. 28 during which he pleaded not guilty to the eight charges and was ordered to stand trial on June 4 .
5 There was , indeed , never a day , except when he was away on short holidays , during which he did not spend some time in her company , from the time of their first association in 1919 until her death in 1951 .
6 Its inventor spent the remaining years of his life travelling from dental school to dental school making speeches that forbade dentists to ‘ misuse ’ his noble invention in applications for which he had not intended it .
7 At least by the eleventh century every king expected to recruit a part of his army by paying mercenaries , or from knights who received a fee not in land , but in cash ; though he did his best to make his great nobles provide contingents for which he did not have to pay , or ( at least in the twelfth century ) pay him in cash if they did not serve him in person .
8 The student should not assume facts contrary to those stated in the problem for the purpose of giving the examiner a piece of information for which he did not ask .
9 He did one thing in Hollywood for which he has not been given anything like sufficient credit .
10 He was appalled that I wanted to study English and history , both of which he thought not only pointless but a danger to my identity .
11 Therefore , a transfer from the husband to husband and wife " to hold upon the trusts of a declaration of trust of even date " may be rejected by the registrar , for its wording puts him on notice of a trust the terms of which he does not know .
12 It was reported that in 1985 and 1986 , objection was taken by the Lord Chancellor to Lord Justice Brown-Wilkinson 's participation in public debates as a result of which he did not appear .
13 Get rid of Norman for a start ; you ca n't have a chancellor who goes round telling the voters ‘ Je ne regrette rien ’ , when lots of them have lost their jobs and their homes because of what he does n't regret .
14 They persisted with such vigour that he confusedly and confusingly hinted — by virtue of what he did n't say — that he and his England players might not have ben completely satisfied that Waqar and Akram were swinging the old ball through conventional means .
15 Is it the case that he merely dismisses those submissions with which he does not agree and proceeds in an autocratic fashion ?
16 with which he had not reckoned .
17 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
18 In a personal attack on Mr Kinnock — a prime target for the Conservative counter-offensive — she added : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ? ’
19 The work in which Lyotard is the most valuable about post-modernism is , I think , his earlier work , in which he does not directly address the topic at all .
20 You see we had heard quite a bit about him — the locals boggle at the way in which he does n't dodge his taxes .
21 Names like Rommel , Auchinleck , El Alamein sounded as common to the ear as Smith , Jones and Robinson ; yet Joe had the feeling that he was being forced to stand on the sidelines and watch a game in which he had not the slightest interest .
22 But as I say , he unselfishly insisted that he should not be given a place on any scheme in which he had n't taken a personal part .
23 If he had been briefed for a mission in which he did not participate , he would then have been kept incommunicado until he did finally leave .
24 He rarely seemed happier than when intolerantly defending propositions in which he did not believe .
25 ‘ I 've read about you , ’ she went on , after a pause in which he did not answer her .
26 He was an assiduous and permanent gambler of modest sums , He told me on one occasion that any year in which he did not win £1,000 was by his standards a failure .
27 He is a double winner of the rally but that was some time ago and since then McKinstry has made the place very much is own , his sequence of victories punctuated only by the years in which he did not have a competitive car or the opposition included someone of the calibre of Mikael Sundstrom .
28 He also claims that negligence finding was made without evidence being led demonstrating the manner in which he did not reach the professionally required standard of care .
29 He has returned to the Players ' Championship and the New Orleans tournament after a six-week lay-off with eight rounds in which he has not been over par and has been under five times .
30 In ‘ The Scouring of the Shire ’ his role is to forbid killing ( III , 285 and 289 ) , and later , after a battle in which he has not ‘ drawn sword ’ , to protect prisoners .
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