Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] they had been " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it was possible to reconstruct a universe in which Christian doctrines remained intact , even if the imagery through which they had been expressed was gradually discarded .
2 Mr Shrigley said two of the women had died from the serious illnesses for which they had been admitted to the hospital .
3 The Institute published guidance ( no longer extant ) on the need to state clearly the addressees of reports , the purposes for which they had been prepared and to exclude purposes for which reports were not intended .
4 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
5 In this job market , the qualifications for which they had been encouraged to strive at school were often of little use to them outside where ‘ who you knew ’ was often more useful than ‘ what you knew ’ .
6 The mood of the Parisians , when they heard the news for which they had been waiting so long , was recorded by a young Welshman living in a rented room on the Ile de la Cité .
7 On the day I came up here , there were no workmen and the deserted new village was occupied only by horses , wandering at liberty between the half-finished buildings , the machinery and the piles of materials — hardly the setting for which they had been intended when set loose for the summer to forage for themselves .
8 They wound Sycorax 's light dry spoil in two banana leaves , laid lengthwise and sewn together with dried strips of aloe , and then chose to dig a vertical grave at the foot of the saman tree , the designated place , for which they had been granted permission .
9 Other European countries said that the new British Government would be positive and co-operative and would put forward proposals for bringing about the completion of the European Community , for which they had been working for the past 40 years .
10 By the end of 1941 it looked as though the Communists and their supporters had established the monopoly over the Left for which they had been striving since their foundation .
11 They did not want to repudiate totally their previous policies , yet had to recognise the disaster of which they had been part .
12 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
13 They wanted to drink , failing a quick thrash with a woman , and then tumble back into the field and race shouting into the forest to make the kill of which they had been unkindly baulked .
14 He brightened as he recalled some of what they had been told .
15 The estimated time to get to sleep after going to bed was reduced to a quarter of the baseline levels , and reports of difficulty in getting to sleep were reduced to a third of what they had been .
16 Unfortunately they were shipwrecked and lost much of what they had been given .
17 Although this was the exact opposite of what they had been saying in the previous year , it was consistent in suggesting that there was a conflict between leaders and members .
18 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
19 When late in 1972 Richard Leakey announced he had dug up the skull , thighbone , and parts of the lower leg of a human that were more than 2 ½ million years old , thus , if correct , disproving man 's direct descent from Australopithecus , many anthropologists seated in leather armchairs in universities not immediately adjacent to East Africa swiftly challenged Leakey 's conclusions , this despite the fact that they had not examined the bones in question , the strata in and near which they had been found , the animal bones found in the same strata , or indeed anything .
20 The dining area was the same canopy beneath which they had been interviewed earlier in the day , only now the matting was covered with carpets , some of them very fine , and an inverted ‘ U ’ of low square tables of some dark wood had been set out .
21 Conservationist Dexter Cate of Hawaii was jailed for 100 days in 1980 when he released several hundred dolphins from the bay into which they had been driven before slaughter .
22 Under Russian rule many native communities were deprived of such rights by sheer seizure of land ( zakhvat ) or by forfeiting territory as a result of pernicious debtor-contracts into which they had been duped by unscrupulous settlers .
23 As soon as most dealers actually knew anything , they would get disgusted with what they had been doing , and wanted out .
24 Angelo Heilprin , an American geologist who visited the scene a few weeks later and wrote a book about the tragedy , described ‘ twisted bars of iron , great masses of roof sheeting wrapped like cloth about posts upon which they had been flung , and iron girders looped and festooned as if they had been made of rope ’ .
25 They still remained somewhat too close to the American School Mathematics Study Group materials upon which they had been modelled .
26 They also lost their entitlement to housing benefit and income support , upon which they had been very dependent as they were unemployed .
27 But nowhere was there a mention of the exact circumstances in which they had been found .
28 Mr Hall said Miss Scott had explained she did not give notification of her mother 's death because she was afraid the authorities would discover the conditions in which they had been living .
29 He turned his attention mainly to the northern forests , however ; he examined the local juries as to the way in which they had been kept , and held Forest Eyres in all the northern Forest counties .
30 It showed what many journalists in Beirut had long realised : that the Palestinians regarded their cause , their country — Palestine — as infinitely more holy , more sacred than the nation in which they had been given refuge .
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