Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] we [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Let us remember that everything for which we legislate is for worse cases and blanket rules .
2 We might conjecture that the general form of the solution for which we seek is as follows :
3 For that of which we relate is our interpretation , our presentational continuum coloured not so much by the world as by our own senses .
4 Jean McSorley , secretary of the local protest group , said simply , ‘ If just a quarter of what we hear is true , that place should be shut down ’ .
5 ‘ Implementing [ by ] a planned training programme — too much of what we do is done ‘ as and when ’ we have the money , time , staff availability , planning time etc ’ .
6 Cruickshank believes that over the three years the results have been that ‘ so much of what we do is now being delineated by what the users want — the Patients ’ Charter is just one example of that — and health boards are taking much more time to get views , getting people like general practitioners contributing in strategy-setting and so on , so they are less likely to make mistakes .
7 Look , the question of what we want is a sociological one , which we answer by asking people , or by observing their behaviour .
8 What it means , of course , is that very often we have different definitions of experience and reality from men , and that much of what we say is critical of men and about what they have done to women .
9 JAZZ DANCE has caught on slowly in this country , and most of what we see is attendant on musicals , cabaret acts or pop videos .
10 Simply to decide upon the basis of what we think is best for them can be a form of prejudice .
11 Let's look at this matter of what we think is plausible .
12 When asked how the tree came about she said ‘ Well , it 's just like God to make something useful out of what we think is rubbish ’ — a comment which referred not only to the fruit but also to her own convict origins .
13 We observe only outcomes of what we presume is the exercise of power , and are forced into conjecturing what would have occurred if power had not been exercised .
14 Erm as the notes to this table indicate , it is a compilation by the panel secretary of what we believe is before us .
15 The beauty of what we have is that even if some of the programs we currently possess will not provide the sort of answer we want , we can always write one that will .
16 Wittgenstein 's answer to the question with which we began is that the psychological verbs , as he calls them , are ‘ characterized by the fact that the third person of the present is to be verified by observation , the first person not ’ .
17 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
18 The first is that the environment in which we live is so hostile to our tears that the pain of showing them outweighs the relief we get from letting them flow .
19 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
20 It is an important one , because every aspect of the environment in which we live is of interest to us as individuals and is certainly of interest to the people whom we seek to represent .
21 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
22 The market place in which we operate is changing rapidly .
23 The actual context in which we meet is not important ; it is only a symbol of God 's dwelling among his people .
24 Since the awareness from which we recoil is constantly being forced on us by pain or misfortune , no doubt many or most people can take every opportunity they have to avoid the unpleasant without being in any danger of becoming more aware of the bright side than the dark .
25 The major premise from which we start is that prenominal attribution and postnominal attribution involve , respectively , qualification and assignment .
26 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
27 As part of our mission requires this publication to keep its readers alert to the future of IBM and the wonders the company will doubtless work , we will — begging your understanding and forgiveness in what we feel is a justifiable revelation of inside information — part the cloak of secrecy that surrounds Hollywood 's dreams and IBM 's intentions in the interest of preparing you for tomorrow .
28 Boltwood believes that we all get stuck in what we think is the only reality .
29 You know , we 're not direct enough in what we say is actually happening with parish council money .
30 When the influence of politics is added to the supply and demand equation , it is evident that the oil price on which we depend is far beyond the control of the oil producers .
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