Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] he say [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most of what he says here is a reflection upon old age , which is also a reflection upon himself : " " ik am oold " " ( 3867 ) .
2 In each of these examples Acheson was , of course , referring to China but so much of what he said here ( or to which he gave his name ) now seems to be an epitaph for the experiences of Vietnam .
3 ( I told this lad what I thought of what he said too ) .
4 I , I would like to support this Chair , and it 's a relatively small amount , especially I do n't know how much it would , it would cost , but erm , Andy the er , District Youth Officer , did produce er , er , a very much in-depth report erm , to the last of the Southern Area Youth Advisory Committee , erm , showing erm , how much demarcation er , the , the , the actual river does produce , and is very much a relatively deprived area , and I , I think for the amount of money that 's involved here , I think in view of what he said then , I do n't know the area at all , but er , I , I think he would be erm , very impressed with it .
5 He knew instinctively that the success of what he said now would depend on how he said it .
6 Yes sir , very briefly er first of all can I endorse Michael 's first set of comments , I agree with what he said entirely , I think it is incumbent upon the E I P and on the stage that the county have reached with your such good advice in your report , to come to bring this situation together towards the strategic decision .
7 Michael , indicating the stairs and implying that he had to go straight on , then directed him to the left , upon which he said quietly , if a trifle reproachfully : ‘ You said straight on ’ .
8 Yet there is material in what he says elsewhere in the Investigations and in other of his later writings for a many-sided and , I think , useful development of the comparison .
9 The holy spirit gives us a new prospective on life and it , it , it deepens our relationship with God , we do n't have to try and make , make a success of our new Christian life by ourselves , you know it does n't matter whether you 've been a Christian for a week , for a day , for twenty , for fifty years , if you try to do it one day by yourself you are guaranteed failure , there is no way you can do it , it does n't matter how long you 've been a Christian or how short a period , you can not do it , if the great apostle Paul , he could , he said I can do nothing of myself he said I am not sufficient , for all my learning , for all the wonderful visions I 've had , for the knowledge that God has given to me , that I 've been able to write these great apostle 's , he says that I can not do it myself , I ca n't live this Christian life myself and the tremendous thing that none of us , no matter who we are , we do not have to try to make a success of our Christian life on our own , it 's a partnership and God is the senior partner in it , he does n't expect us to do it by ourselves , listen to what the , the , that , the same apostle Paul says when he 's writing to the , the Gelation Christians , in , in chapter two , verse twenty , listen to what he says there , he says I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and delivered himself for me , he said I do n't do it by myself , why not , very simply cos he ca n't , he did n't know how to , he did n't have the power to do it he says but the life I 'm living , I live by the power of Christ who died for me , who gave himself for me and who now lives in me now by the holy spirit
10 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for giving way , because I listened to what he said earlier and have since checked my speech .
11 He is polite and very careful about what he says so as not to offend anyone .
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