Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] 've been " in BNC.

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1 Frankly , after what we 've been through together that 's nothing short of childish .
2 It would only be natural after what you 've been through . ’
3 ‘ I 'm ashamed carrying on like this after what you 've been through , ’ she began , but suddenly there was another tremendous crash and roar .
4 Could your system cope with warm food after what you 've been used to ?
5 I knew she would n't be asleep after what you 've been putting her through . ’
6 ‘ Not after what I 've been through . ’
7 And not after what I 've been through . ’
8 ‘ It 's a sad time for me , but this is something for which I 've been trying to prepare myself for some time , ’ he said .
9 Towards which we 've been striving for weeks .
10 I mean tha , is it all , you know , do we need all the time to have erm extra administrative help and in in , and in terms of which we 've been talking about before , I know they might sound like two conflicting issues but one of the ways of ensuring we get the work done is do we trying too much at the Synod ?
11 If any one would like to find out more of what we 've been doing — just let us know .
12 Now of what we 've been doing today with fractions was there any of it that you 're not quite sure of and you think , But could you just tell me about that bit again .
13 where we 've got to with our recycling initiative , and then we can look at that grant in the light of what we 've been told by Carol .
14 out of what we 've been doing with this .
15 Note-taking encourages active learning and provides you with some written record of what you 've been studying .
16 It was just a quickie , I just wanted to read this little point that I actually think brings lots of what you 've been discussing about together , and it 's a light hearted , but it does have some relevance if I can just say it .
17 ‘ So would you have if you 'd had to put up with half of what I 've been through in the past !
18 And remember too , despite what we 've been brought up to believe , a suntan is not a symbol of health and fitness .
19 Erm I was rather interested by the comparisons which you explained a little earlier in the evidence erm if you 've got an aircraft which is er going to replace , as I understand it the Jaguar and the Phantom which has already been retired , er against which you 've been comparing the F three er and the G R four of the tornados and the harriers , then er that gives rise in my mind to the possibility that this is an aircraft which might replace all of these , in which case will that have consequences for the still er publicly declared intention to order two hundred and fifty , might we order more for example ?
20 In brief , the period of modernism has come to an end and nothing ( for which read nothing like what we 've been used to ) has replaced it .
21 It 's a bit like what we 've been doing before where you 've got to look at the money .
22 Just talk like what you 've been doing at school and things like that .
23 I 'm sure that 's that 's gon na work against what you 've been trying to do since you got here .
24 ‘ Because if you force me to leave , what would I do about my wretched EC forms on milk yield with which I 've been wrestling ?
25 But I think I would be giving you the wrong impression if I suggested that most of the evaluation studies with which I 've been concerned have involved this kind of conclusion , or this kind of result .
26 I do n't know , if you 're like me but , I must confess , I I get er , I would n't say pleasure , but I rather like those incidents where he tells the disciples off , not because he 's telling them off , but because I can fit in wi with what they 've been up to !
27 ‘ I think a lot of what happens when you play solos has to do with what you 've been listening to lately .
28 Now ( at last ) on with what you 've been waiting for/dreading ( delete as appropriate ) …
29 Register Office , handful of guests , parents optional , drink-up at couple 's house ( in which they 've been living for several years already ) .
30 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
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