Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The new picture is then assessed and another remedy given starting at the lowest degrees of dynamization ( LM 1 ) regardless of what potency level the previous remedy had reached .
2 The one search will serve if you act also for a mortgagee , in which case name the mortgagee rather than the buyer , because the priority given to the mortgagee extends to the buyer , but not vice versa .
3 This may be taken to imply that the electronic band , within whose absorption profile the excitation occurred , involves a transition between states having different Ru-O bond lengths , and probably involves excitation of electrons having some Ru -O bonding character .
4 Where a centre is submitting a proposal for a course in whose subject area the centre has proven experience , a more devolved form of validation will be appropriate .
5 To catch the self-employed tax-dodger , there could be a ‘ profession tax ’ — a flat rate paid by every member of the profession in question , with additions according to which income bracket the ruling body of the profession reckons he belongs to .
6 The accountant will need to make the policy decision as to which accounting period the invoices should be costed in , or whether the cost should be split .
7 The concord system in Bantu languages requires that there must be agreement between the object and number depending on which noun class the object belongs to .
8 It is a special category of voluntary school on whose management committee the education authority is represented , and for whose buildings and equipment the education authority takes financial responsibility .
9 Perhaps the worst problem will come with the Italians fans themselves , on whose home ground the World Cup is being played .
10 Rajiv Gandhi , on whose Congress Party the minority government of Chandra Shekhar depends , appeared this week to be on the point of withdrawing his support .
11 These can be fairly reliable , but what your friend may have neglected to tell you is to what wind direction the water is best suited .
12 I think my father used to work in a university for a few years after he graduated , and he might have invented something ; he occasionally hints that he gets some sort of royalty from a patent or something , but I suspect the old hippy survives on whatever family wealth the Cauldhames still have secreted away .
13 After his retirement , I might try to persuade him to enjoy himself by accompanying me to whatever seaside resort the Conservative party attends for its conference next October — I will ensure his safety of passage into the hall — so that he can see how few pinstripe suits there are , let alone the mythical hats of which he spoke .
14 At whose dread name the trembling furies quake
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