Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] and it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A minerals and waste local plan is about to be prepared and it will form the basis for the control and location of quarries and landfill sites in the county for the next 20 years , ’ said CLA regional secretary Jolyon Dodgson .
2 During this stage Offline will request the appropriate media item to be mounted and it will copy the modules from the media item into the original LIFESPAN storage directory , from where they will be copied into the user 's directory .
3 ‘ The National Grid does not own the land on which the pylons are to be built and it has to negotiate some form of agreement with the landowner , ’ he said .
4 Although I believe they are improved as a class , many of them are rough diamonds ; at times they are light-fingered , they are not invariably sober , their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours .
5 The standing of the statement needs initially to be determined and it may be elevated to the rank of contractual term if the courts consider on the facts that this was the intention of the parties .
6 Not strictly true , he was a lapsed communist , but Preston meant it to be provoking and it was .
7 Because the mistakes have to be rectified and it puts us under even more pressure because you 've got even less time .
8 I said something 's got to be done and it wo n't wait .
9 It had to be done and it was done too .
10 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
11 Ho , as well as Bao Dai , was to be consulted and it would be put to him that if he was the real nationalist which he professed to be he would ‘ accept loyally the decisions and mandates of the government and the subsequent constituent assembly , etc. and bind himself unequivocally not to … subvert the true nationalism of his people or a government that might emerge from the multilateral effort ’ .
12 We had to put it in erm oh what did we call it oh dear a little vice and er put a ball , about three inches long and then er put it into the plug and erm put the cap , the little brass cap but also the I 've made a mistake there , before we did that we had to put the natural plug in and in that plug there were five like aluminium coloured er pins , each of a different size and we had to learn to read the key for the various depths you see and we had boxes of pins with the different sizes in and er then put those in the plug and then push the key in and but we 'd got to , we got to file , we had to file the bars and also the little brass caps to get all the edge the , I forget what we used to call it now , off the cap to get it smooth and then get it in our own vice and screw , screw them down and there were thirty two , there were three key keys to each , each lock , and er we had to file them until they were ready and they worked easily push the key in properly , and we also used to put black lead in , you could not put oil because they would have stopped the springs working and we had a little box of ordinary oh like the black lead that we used to black lead the graves , put some on the key and push that then and work it round , and that was the erm that was made it work freely you see and then there was erm a half a gross to each board , and three , three keys to each one and then erm we , we filed the various things ourselves , but then they would take that away from you and bring you more you see and then when eventually the keys had to be polished and it was only a favourite few that were allowed to sit down to sort the keys out to com to complete them you see , but it was very very interesting work and I enjoyed being there but you
13 A star is about to be born and it could be YOU !
14 The White paper goes into some detail as to how these objectives are to be achieved and it is beyond the scope of this volume to go over them in detail .
15 These rules must be applied with experience and judgement if adequate protection is to be achieved and it is important that the leading insurance company on the risk is consulted at the early design stage , and that only experienced and reputable sprinkler installers be used .
16 If you are sitting in a very large house on your own , which is draining away your resources because it still has mortgage payments to be met and it takes a lot of money to heat and light every year , you must seriously consider cashing in on your assets by moving to a smaller house that eliminates your mortgage and cuts down on running costs , or by taking out an annuity on your house .
17 A blanket amnesty for those involved in guerrilla activity since 1985 had yet to be finalized and it was not known if there would be official inquiries into massacres by the military , especially that at Mooiwana in 1986 .
18 He explained his predicament to the librarian but was told that the book was due to be pulped and it did not matter that he was the author .
19 And one of the features of the current policy is that affordable supply is partly a matter to be negotiated and it 's very important that it 's negotiated out of the general er supply made by private sector builders .
20 The rent still had to be paid and it was impossible to sell the lease with so much property available .
21 He turned up at a party one night having just managed to get back from Italy where he 'd been supposed to be studying and it came out that he 'd been to Rome , too , and had actually met her father and knew their story — better than she did — and had sat at the feet of the Marchesa Giulia .
22 An alternative had to be found and it was , in the shape of the former Bury to Heywood line .
23 With the present depressed economic climate , economic rather than social costs tend to be stressed and it is noticeable that even though accounting is masked in its own technical language it can have quite profound consequences in the political sphere .
24 Now we were to be reconciled and it was the beginning of a thrilling era for both parties .
25 the long-standing problem with the Mercury cables under the ballast seem to be resolved and it is understood that these are being moved now and the route could be clear within days .
26 Obviously , whilst scanning the letters this set has to be remembered and it is changed for each test .
27 That 's something that will need to be financed and it 's something which the Board will need to find the money to do .
28 At the moment , it does n't seem to be working and it may be that we can never return this owl to the wild — it certainly would n't survive as it is .
29 One thing I 've learnt in the last half hour is the speed at which the rules of debate seem to be changing and it will not surprise you to hear that as Mr Allenby and Harrogate District Council have moved towards Professor Lock 's point of view , they have moved away from the Civic Society 's point of view .
30 David Smith a bookie says there 's money to be won and it 's just as well he managed to eat when he was a youngster …
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