Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] over a " in BNC.

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1 She had lost 8 inches off her waist and a staggering 10 inches off her hips over a period of seven months .
2 These fish are especially prone to ‘ conditioning ’ ; you can switch their minds onto a certain item of food and if you keep that food trickling through their swims over a long period they will continue feeding , with only short breaks , until that food runs out or some other disaster happens to move them .
3 In it he described a succession of his dreams over a period of thirty years , which seemed to show glimpses of the future , and provided a theory of time to account for them .
4 I followed the slow , pausing thresh of his feet over a petrified landscape of immense blocks of stone , among which drifted and hovered shoals of fish .
5 He gave freely of his services over a wide field of interests .
6 If you 've been self-employed since five minutes after Lucifer 's fall , and can fork out the massive outlay required , you might just find a way to bribe yourself on to the single-ticket waiting list ; if you belong to a small , minor-league organisation , your company will probably club together with several others to rent a cheap and jerry-built booth in one of the minor outbuildings , and argue with its partners over a tiny allocation of entry passes , whose holders will be consigned to overpriced lodgings in distant and inconvenient suburbs .
7 I will not therefore take the time of the House with the conventional lengthy explanation of the detail of what are in fact relatively routine pieces of annual business , such as the guaranteed minimum pensions order and the draft contributions rerating order , which are very much in line with their predecessors over a number of years .
8 Each Club is set in spacious grounds with an adjacent sandy beach and all offer outstanding value for money proving a popular choice with our clients over a number of years .
9 One attractive alternative to brushing bronzing powder on your cheeks is cream blusher : blend it in well with your fingertips over a base of tinted moisturiser , then dust any areas prone to shine with powder .
10 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
11 A DERWENTSIDE councillor could face censure from his colleagues over a remark about Albert Dryden who shot and killed the council 's chief planning officer last year .
12 She 's been getting quite a lot of in our jokes over a couple ha !
13 Like weather forecasting , we can be fairly accurate in our predictions over a very short period but looking further ahead is really a matter of guesswork .
14 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
15 THE picture of wizened old Frenchmen puffing contentedly on their Gauloises over a glass of pastis could be coming to an end — by law .
16 The pair were in the front rank throughout , nothing else landing a blow , and Golden Chip had also dictated terms to his rivals over a mile on the same course four days earlier .
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