Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] be the " in BNC.

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1 The thing I hated most about my pregnancy was the hot weather and my body changing I had quite a nice figure before but now along with the stretch marks , I hate my body .
2 I suppose , Helen thought , that the interesting thing about my condition is the loss of self-control .
3 Then he continued , his tone scathing , ‘ You can take my word for it , the kind of love your brother feels for my cousin is the selfish kind that demands she spend every moment with him .
4 I am satisfied that a promise such as that to which I have referred is binding and the only question remaining for my consideration is the scope of the promise in the present case .
5 I think you know it 's hard you g got to go with Leicester at the moment because they 're in the pole position and I have for my money been the better side but er Forest do look capable of snatching an equalizer .
6 In fact , my dogs eat the supermarket 's own brand and I seldom change my car ; paying double for my dinner is the nearest I get to it , to being Imelda , or Ivana , but it makes me feel good .
7 The menu gastronomique at the Caneton is generous and good value for 1800 francs , but a trifle fussy and rich , and a better choice for my taste is the plat du jour , with perhaps a duck liver pâté , or local charcuterie , to start with , which is what you see the inhabitants eating .
8 A further point which suggests that these provisions , if not actually written in his reign , were in any event written not long after his death is the fact that the medrese attached to the mosque of Bayezid II in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 and of higher rank than the Sahn , would almost certainly have received some mention in any such provisions written subsequent to that date .
9 A particular problem in and after his time were the ‘ meat fights ’ in the dissecting room .
10 More police officers visibly going about their business is the most commonly advanced solution to street crime .
11 Grudgingly , Brian was forced to say that he had always thought it odd , but if reticence about her past was the way his wife wanted it , then he had been prepared to accept the situation .
12 This last explanation for her choice is the one she most frequently proffered .
13 BELVILLE : I hope that my Pamela 's inclination for her persecutor was the strongest motive for her return .
14 Associated reasons for her death were the severe injuries to her nose and mouth , which was broken and swollen , the multiple attempts that had taken place to strangle her and the fact that she also had a large quantity of alcohol in her body about six times the legal level for drivers .
15 ‘ The source of the obligation upon which Miss Thomas relies for her claim is the domestic laws of the university , its statutes and its ordinances .
16 ‘ And to blame me for her bitterness is the height of absurdity !
17 Running through her mind were the earlier protests from the light beams : ‘ Not fair ’ ; ‘ Keep still ’ .
18 In your road test of the Peugeot 605 SRdt ( 20 February ) you comment that the only car to give it a run for its money is the Citroen XM .
19 Updating this legendary story would have made it ridiculous — not that this has ever deterred some of our intrepid producers — for its crux is the shooting of the apple on young Jemmy 's head ( brilliantly staged ) , and how do you get round that ?
20 To say that there is an instinct of ‘ hunger ’ , and that the evidence for its existence is the fact that we feel hungry from time to time , is not to explain anything .
21 A major reason for its success was the extreme reluctance of the army to run the power stations , largely because it did not believe that it could break the strike ( Ackroyd et al. , 1977 , pp. 64–6 ) .
22 The occasion for its appointment was the coming to office as Minister of Housing and Local Government of Mr Henry Brooke in January 1957 .
23 One of the reasons for its effect is the astoundingly sensitive word-setting .
24 Neither for them nor for their music are the simple categories of ‘ mass ’ or ‘ individual ’ appropriate .
25 Some of the most obvious linguistic elements which require contextual information for their interpretation are the deictic forms such as here , now , 1 , you , this and that .
26 The price the French exacted for their support was the deployment of the Castilian fleet against England .
27 They were able to show that at least one of the reasons for their failure was the immigration of insects from surrounding , untreated areas .
28 But those symbols of fire and of wind are useful because when we say God is in us , when we say the Holy Spirit is in us , we ca n't actually grab anything and say you know we ca n't actually put it on a video and say , that little bit to the right of my heart is the Holy Spirit .
29 I wo n't linger on the shingle flats , for I 'd come to climb , and the route of my choice was the first to be recorded in Wales .
30 Yet women , of my generation were the first to have the chance to refuse burdens that just could n't be borne , to understand that it was possible to refuse them without censure , to realise that if you still could n't have everything , you could at least make some choices about what you could have .
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