Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is still not clear whether Ms Gibson believed she had made arrangements for Gemma to be looked after while she was away .
2 It is thought she will face questioning about whether she made proper arrangements for Gemma to be looked after while she was away .
3 Once hatched , the young maleos are easy to look after since they are fully active and able to feed themselves .
4 So this business of of understanding how it happened from the , in inverted commas , victim 's point of view um this business of understanding the subsequent effects , this business of understanding the extent , ah are all enormously problematic and um it 's one of these things I would n't particularly like to have to design a survey of because it 's absolutely fraught with difficulty but nevertheless some some attempts have been made um as I have indicated .
5 About what 's happening to the rest of because she was very maternal she was m she was our mam .
6 The church is trying to do something , but I think having people like this man in a graveyard raises the question of whether we 're actually doing enough .
7 The exceptions to the regulations are very limited and the question of whether it is medically inadvisable to wear a seat belt , considered in Froom v Butcher , for obese or pregnant plaintiffs , or in Mackay v Borthwick [ 1982 ] CLY 2157 where the plaintiff suffered from a hiatus hernia is probably pre-empted by para 5(d) of the regulations .
8 In the latter case the net income attributable to shareholders will have to be assessed on the basis of whether it is reasonable compared with desired yields .
9 Corporate crime is crime irrespective of whether it is only punishable by an administrative body , or whether it merely violates individuals ' civil rights .
10 Although this difficulty could be resolved by adopting some kind of stratified sampling procedure ( Trudgill , for example , sampled four electoral wards of which the social characteristics were known ) , a more general question emerges of whether it is always reasonable to take the population of an urban area as a sampling universe , when in fact a high proportion of the higher-status people who work in that city actually reside in neighbouring towns .
11 But the play , because it wants its bread buttered on both sides , keeps its options open until the end on the issue of whether she is genuinely taken in by her husband 's lie or whether her insistence that the girl stay the weekend , her broody concern for the future of the fictitious baby , and marriage-broking on behalf of Julie are just ways of stoking up Jacques 's embarrassment .
12 The problem of the assault course of whether she 's actually fitted in in three months , anyhow that 's what we ought to write that in , but er , she travels , she travels most weekends playing hockey for Yorkshire , and has done that for four years , and she 's all over , where were you ? ,
13 Which that , that then gets you into the issue of whether you are deliberately going to being creating a rich peasant economy and s erm so using the rich peasant economy as the leading sector .
14 Well I du n no whether we whether you 'd sort of when you 're so close really .
15 Some coloured children in this school are getting bad because of the way they get treated , and they make out as if we 're just doing it because we get low examination grades so we start getting bad with the teachers .
16 as if we 're here only to flesh out its game — to give it form .
17 You make it sound as if we 're about eighty .
18 Thus we leave no mark on the ocean , as if we are successfully covering our tracks .
19 When they see us paddling on the river , they stare at us open-mouthed , as if we are completely insane .
20 If we did see some figure approaching , or standing in the distance , we would release our tense handclasp , fingers intertwined , and walk apart , puffing idly at our cigarettes or lighting new ones from Pablo 's box of fosforos , as if we were just friends out for a casual stroll .
21 We constantly come across situations where colleagues treat us as if we were just raising points of sexuality to be difficult , or as a piece of axe-grinding .
22 It was foolish , even stupid ; it was n't as if we were even contenders for a medal .
23 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
24 It was unbelievable ; it was as if we were barely acquainted .
25 Many eastern approaches are passive in that they aim to empty the mind , or help us to reach the stage whereby we become observers of our own thoughts as if we were somehow separate from them .
26 Some people think that having reasons for faith is an insult to God , as if we were desperately grubbing around for make-shift reasons to believe in him .
27 You two behaved as if we were still in the sticks .
28 He must be living in a dream world talking about the traditions and vitality of rural life as if we were still stuck in the Middle Ages .
29 as if we were still twenty-two
30 Perhaps this is a challenge to put it at the centre of our lives , to think about it and , this Lent , to read the story as if we were there .
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