Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 This was originally posed by David Singer in 1961 as the problem of whether to account for the behaviour of the international system in terms of the behaviour of the nation states comprising it or vice versa .
2 Albert writes : ‘ The inescapable conclusion is that the two models of capitalism diverge on the fundamental question of whether to live for the present moment — and to hell with the consequences for future generations — or to plan for a better tomorrow , though it may require sacrifices today .
3 Changed , he returned into the lounge to find her standing at the window again , as if watching for the assassin 's return .
4 He tilts his head and gazes into my face as if searching for the answer .
5 He paused , as if searching for the right words .
6 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
7 When , in the last play of the Henry VI trilogy , the future Richard III is presenting to the audience his capabilities — as if auditioning for the role of hypocrite — he exults at being able to By grouping all those exempla of deceit Shakespeare makes us unconscious of the initial role-playing of the actor involved , alerting us to the deceptions he is about to foist on others .
8 She examined her hands , white with chalk , as if looking for the source of some small pain , then gave up on that and began to dust herself down .
9 She took my arm , fingers digging through several layers of clothing , as if reaching for the bone .
10 ‘ Stella , ’ he called again , as if asking for the only person he needed .
11 You do not warm to this lady , who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter .
12 The four surviving landscapes Modigliani painted are dry , limpid scenes with an air of desolation ; trees dominate , cypress trees or leafless trees , standing like sentinels in front of the houses and buildings , as if waiting for the people to emerge .
13 She flushed and hesitated , as if realizing for the first time where all this was leading .
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