Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After walking for some time , having covered about half the distance between the two stations , Willie became aware of a steady , yet rather unnerving sound just ahead as if someone was hammering the rails .
2 After walking for some time through the wood Valdemar put his finger to his lips and motioned us to be quiet .
3 After listening for some time , I began to grow uneasy , feeling increasingly suspicious that his faith , though enthusiastic , was almost entirely groundless .
4 After riding for some time in the dark , they finally caught up with the cart at a toll-gate .
5 Others may make more conventional protests but the pain looks like continuing for some time .
6 In looking for some test of their hypothesis , scientists have tried two approaches .
7 Translating aims into specific objectives can assist in removing the confusions that can arise between intentions and practice , but beyond this the case for objectives is less certain ; in fact , it has been one of the most hotly debated innovations in teaching for some time .
8 Some would say that there is nothing remarkable or wrong in working for some group and being paid to answer some question that the group regards as important .
9 In this respect they are much the same as primitive people , who often take several days over assembling for some purpose and then several more to get started .
10 They relaxed , sagging apart , but lay without moving for some time after the car had departed .
11 Sometimes I go without crying for some while and then I go through phases of crying rather a lot .
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