Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] in the first " in BNC.

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1 And , of course , the payment of dividend itself re-instates the 40% tax rate and defeats the tax motive for incorporating in the first place .
2 After struggling in the first half when playing into the wind , they made certain later ; then came the news that Newcastle Gosforth 's defeat at Bedford had given West Hartlepool promotion .
3 People who give up cigarettes very commonly report explicit ( and guilty ) dreams about smoking in the first few weeks , even though there is every reason to believe that sleep actually becomes less disturbed on withdrawal from nicotine .
4 The likelihood of dying in the first year is increased by no more than twofold .
5 Because the pattern of trading in the first year of the market was so confined by technical and political constraints it would be unsafe to generalise from it .
6 ‘ I have given up hope of racing in the first round at Snetterton , later this month , ’ he admitted .
7 The report starts by reviewing the pattern of spending in the first two years of the fund .
8 If you only want the bloody music , whe I , what 's the point of taping in the first place !
9 Alex Ferguson , United 's manager , regards Robson 's presence in four of his team 's remaining six League matches as a realistic target and the captain is confident of playing in the first of them , at home to Southampton on Thursday .
10 ‘ But I wo n't know how bad the damage is until I see the physio tomorrow , and then I may have an idea if I have a chance of playing in the first league game . ’
11 When elected in 1981 , the Mitterrand government harked back to the legacy of planning in the first postwar decades ( chapter 18 ) .
12 Finally , with ‘ Do n't walk on the wet edge , you 'll get a verruca ’ ringing in my ears , and ‘ Make sure your hair is BONE dry before you go out into the cold ’ ringing in my brain , we would lay siege to the fish-and-chip shop which was my main reason for going in the first place .
13 Agnes Jones 's intense religious fervour , which had led her into nursing in the first place , caused Florence Nightingale some anxiety .
14 With trading in the first quarter similar to that of the second half of last year , the company is continuing to exercise tight control of the business .
15 Three methods were being tried : A benign substance called Hot Foot Gel painted on the top of transformers and similar equipment to produce a ‘ sinking ’ feeling for the Hoodies when they try to land ; Plastic strips with irregular plastic spikes fixed to the top of equipment to discourage the birds from landing in the first place ; Non-working poles incorporating ‘ alternative nesting pans ’ were erected at selected sites to encourage the crows to use them instead .
16 To prevent the reactions from occurring in the first place , filtered blood has to be used from the very first transfusion and 99% of white cells have to be removed .
17 What was the , what was the point in averaging in the first place ?
18 In two respects , it is open to the courts to insist that the constable 's decision must be a reasonable one ; there must first be reasonable grounds on which the constable is entitled to rely in deciding in the first place whether or not a breach of the peace is likely to occur .
19 We must try to prevent him from erring in the first place ; easier said than done !
20 to prevent liability from arising in the first place ( e.g. ‘ Seller gives no warranty as to fitness for purpose or merchantable quality ’ ) ;
21 This followed assurances that no authority seeking a redetermination should suffer a reduced spending level , fear of which had prevented any of the selected authorities from appealing in the first year of operation .
22 STRONG demand from other segments of the construction market left Hewden Stuart , Britain 's largest plant hire group , virtually untouched by current problems in housebuilding in the first half of the year .
23 They certainly will not go out of their way to be critical — and if they do they are not worth knowing in the first place !
24 Such people are n't worth knowing in the first place .
25 The instruments that would be needed for communicating echo pictures are no more sophisticated than the instruments that both bats and dolphins already have for echolocating in the first place .
26 Political considerations may have made them less inclined to return to China , but it was generally not a major reason for leaving in the first place .
27 Georgina was my main reason for leaving in the first place . ’
28 He was so depressed , poor boy , at falling in the first place — all Langleys ride as if they were born to it — and then at not being able to return to Cambridge for the last few weeks of term , and his aunt was quite at her wit 's end to know what to do with him .
29 Having set up the functioning New Business teams and created the essential facilities for servicing in the first few months , much further development was still needed to create procedures to service business once on the books .
30 He even lost his Rothmans Grand Prix title by losing in the first round to world No 52 , Welshman Tony Chappel , while in the grip of fear .
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