Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] and i have " in BNC.

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1 I once made the mistake you 're thinking of making and I 've never got over it .
2 To avoid them I should either have had to go several hundred yards through dense undergrowth , or make a wide detour round and above them ; the former would have subjected me to very great danger , and there was no time for the latter , for the sun was near setting and I had still two miles to go .
3 AN OUNCE of luck is always welcome in racing and I have to admit that I feel the most fortunate man around this morning having been asked to ride Docklands Express in the Grand National — a race I have never won .
4 ‘ My mind ’ , she said ‘ was set on going and I had to go . ’
5 He turned left down an alley without indicating and I had to carve up a Volvo with Swedish number plates in order to follow him .
6 I felt that I was using a part of me that was n't used to functioning and I 've just recently started juggling
7 She ca n't forgive me for leaving and I 've had to accept that our relationship 's finally over .
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