Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [conj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 This prevented the through draught which was valued for winnowing and meant that carts had to back out , so it was a less popular arrangement .
2 This raises questions about ways of seeing and remembering that are important to fiction .
3 Nor , from the sounds of tossing and turning that drifted up through the deck hatch in the quiet dark hours of her watch , was Nathan .
4 They had forgotten to lock up , ever eager to hurry back to the endless rounds of torturing and giggling that are the happy lot of a sadistic underling .
5 Terrified of choking and terrified that the rope would give way , that she would fall and be eaten alive by those metal teeth , she screwed her eyes tight and prayed .
6 It is in this market-place of buying and selling that the media man shows his real skill and flair .
7 In practically every case the collection varies in shape , colour , size and thickness , and there is , consequently , a wide variety of the methods of sorting and matching that can be performed .
8 We can be in danger of saying or feeling that bereavement is something that happens to everyone else , and that ‘ those people ’ need support , but we are perfectly able to manage on our own .
9 Hard at times , of course , frustrating too — there are always days when you wonder why you keep on struggling , keep on slogging away ; but the pleasure of doing something you enjoy , of creating and knowing that it 's all yours … ’ she shrugged ‘ … well , there 's nothing else like it . ’
10 Important factors were : Farmers had no way of knowing or discovering that the seed was defective .
11 He rejects any notion of de-skilling and suggests that the new technology will open up many opportunities for people to do meaningful work , either in the formal , employed , sector or the informal voluntary sector .
12 It is the joy of making and giving that has fired Blanc on his way to the top .
13 Counter attacking , the defence brought in a consultant neurologist who testified , on the basis of medical records and EEG tests , to the likelihood of brain damage in Mr X in childhood , and a second clinical psychologist , who had made a special study of faking and said that Mr X could n't fake an IQ test to save his life , or words to that effect .
14 However Morris believes the National wo n't take a great deal of winning and reckons that Cahervillahow is one of the best handicapped horses in the race on 10st 11 .
15 Drugs in rugby will become a much more widespread problem if the sort of ducking and diving that took place when Messrs. Swart , Du Preez and van den Bergh tested positive is the only form of official discouragement on offer .
16 But the central point is that we need firmly to shift out of the mode of thinking that assumes that at pensionable age most people become useless burdens ; to realize that most of them have at least as much to offer as many people in their twenties , and hence actively seek ways to use their abilities positively .
17 The report Educational Opportunities for All ( ILEA 1985 ) remarks upon the enthusiasm expressed by London teachers for this method of working and recommends that an evaluation of support teaching be carried out as a matter of urgency .
18 He said , ‘ Did you have a good Christmas ? ’ , and not looking at him she thanked him for asking and replied that it had been quiet but nice .
19 The deception , trick or ruse that forms the one essential element in the interaction of the fabliau characters is most frequently an impromptu action , very commonly occurring in the first instance as an example of a native cunning attributed to women , an ingenuity in lying and deceit that women have .
20 On 28 September 1911 Hermann Jochade , secretary of the International Transport Workers ' Federation in a letter to its secretary Arthur Cannon expressed his surprise at the branch 's actions , and noted " I have myself investigated the workings of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , as I have done with other unions connected with the International Transport Workers ' Federation in Great Britain , and have pleasure in stating and testifying that the Seamen 's Union is one of the best organised and conducted of all unions I have made enquiries into .
21 Some violence is , of course , sheer unadulterated sadism with an accompanying orgiastic delight in hurting and remember that we all have a sadistic capacity and there are not many people so out of touch with the darker , deeper aspects of their human nature that they have never indulged a sadistic fantasy .
22 Or does he concur with the view of the Minister for Housing and Planning that the homeless are merely the people whom one steps over on the way out of the opera ?
23 Equation ( 21.27 ) may be re-stated by defining and saying that φ = 1 when Ri = 0 ( or L = ∞ ) .
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