Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But after checking his credentials they found he was a prize chump — forklift driver Nigel Mansell , from Byran-cum-Sutton , West Yorks .
2 After buying our souvenirs we had lunch and visited the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood .
3 He found a team in decline , but in setting about reviving their fortunes he has found it difficult to win the sort of universal adulation Dalglish enjoyed .
4 Children played there instead of minding their animals which would then wander out on to planted fields .
5 In the course of filling his lungs he felt as if he were rising a few inches off the ground .
6 In the course of reporting his investigations he makes remarks like , ‘ When the child is questioned he translates his thoughts into words , but these words are necessarily inadequate ’ , and ‘ Whatever the answer may be , the meaning behind the words is what matters . ’
7 The way it is at present , we can not , we can not get more loot to put into the new project but the bank manager , i.e. the Chancellor of the Exchequer , reminded us a few months ago that the other way of funding our projects he encouraged us to look at our current assets and if possible liquidate some of that asset and fund it , or or use it to fund our new schemes and this Mr Mayor is what we should be doing .
8 She gasped out the words as his dark head bent towards her , but instead of kissing her lips he let his mouth trail over her neck , nuzzling under her hair until shivers started to race down her spine .
9 They find new ways of sharing what resources there are , whether collaborating in local policing or working with health authorities or whatever it is and I think they form the base for renewal of politics because we have to recreate politics for localities upwards and here , just finally chancing my arm , I must just frankly say that I am not clear that over-large amalgamations of unions will be much more helpful than over-centralized government bureaucracies .
10 Within a month of starting my lessons I was able to stop taking the pain-killers that had become part and parcel of my life .
11 Commissioners were appointed in every shire to assess men for the loan under pretence of discovering what arms they should bear under the Statute of Winchester .
12 Without his salary from Pressed Steel in Oxford , he and his family saw no hope of clearing his debts which had mounted to £8,000 .
13 Before drawing our conclusions we summarise the events .
14 ‘ I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
15 In evaluating its credentials our prime example will again be Rawls ' theory .
16 After the ceremony the bridal couple rushed to the photographer 's studio to have their portrait taken , before joining their guests who were waiting for the wedding meal .
17 Looked at from a White House perspective , it is clear that if a president is to be effective in achieving his objectives he needs unity and discipline within the executive branch .
18 In reaching their conclusions they were critical of BC 's practice of allocating central administrative overheads to individual pits .
19 I was so pleased , ’ she looked at me shyly or was it a little slyly , ‘ I could understand from knowing my Classics what the old peasants were saying .
20 In the first few months we received a considerable amount of written advice from individuals and professional organisations , and so in making our decisions we could draw on a range of expertise .
21 In introducing his characters he follows his usual method of direct statement in thumbnail sketches of red-haired Judd , the slow-witted giant Brett , ruthless , brilliant Wick and the plodding conformer Stringy .
22 In formulating our recommendations we have taken heed of the point that development in the four language modes is complex and non-linear .
23 In planning our analyses we were concerned to avoid the biases that affected the analyses of the period up to and including 1983 ; it was agreed in advance , at a meeting of a working group of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment , that the principal hypothesis to be tested should be that ‘ no excess of leukaemia or other cancer in 0–24 year olds has occurred in the area of the Sellafield plant from 1984 to the present , and that the diagnostic groups , areas , and calendar periods to be analysed should be these set out below . ’
24 In later years , when he was in the position of having to counsel others he found that these doubts were quite common , and in answering their doubts he answered his own as well !
25 Whilst Britain was genuinely concerned about honouring its debts there was a high mindedness about it which shut out any consideration of alternatives which , by reducing the obligation to maintain the value of sterling , would have given more scope for domestic planning .
26 He was soon up to his old tricks and with a view to recouping his losses he chartered a yacht called Filden I from its unsuspecting and perfectly respectable owner .
27 On opening my eyes I did n't dare to imagine that this would have worked .
28 Now it might be argued that ontologically the decisive factor is that on opening his eyes he found again two distinct individuals .
29 On the cluster erm not having in fact had any erm work on this type of thing before I did n't realise that holding a paper could close you down and in fact without moving my feet I was n't getting movement I was just static and with no use of the hands you were to express yourself sufficiently .
30 To go back to spending her days there was unendurable .
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