Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pron] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If this was his way of helping her then Maggie did n't think much of it .
2 If you are catching 7lb and 8lb fish you have little chance of catching anything under 6lb at that time .
3 Sir Terence , in particular , is still furious that inflation bounced back into double figures , after all the pain of getting it below 5% in the mid-1980s , and ascribes it to the delay in joining the EMS .
4 Generalizing is a matter of saying what else things identified by the same concept have in common , not as a matter of logic but as a matter of fact .
5 You do n't know , it 's like asking me how hell compares with heaven , it 's just absurd !
6 I suppose that 's your way of punishing me for kissing you yesterday evening .
7 Thank you for sending me further information on your ideas that could give Blaenau Ffestiniog 's market hall a new lease of life appropriate to the Twenty-First Century .
8 If it has n't , the only thing you can do — apart from continuing your garage-less existence , or renting one from a car-less neighbour — is to convert part of the ground floor of your house to construct a built-in garage , with all the upheaval and loss of living space which that entails .
9 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
10 You ca n't do much at the Print Manager end to speed things up , aside from giving it more priority .
11 The driver dropped off a man or two at dunes that had drifted on to the road and would then go back and pick them up when they had finished , before taking them further south .
12 Now her vivid imagination had no difficulty in showing her how Mark 's last drive alone must have been , how miserable he must have felt .
13 It is not helpful in telling us why individuals are where they are , and it is unlikely to give us real clues about possible future developments .
14 ‘ Yes , I know and I have mine but it does n't stretch to asking you how Maria Luisa compares to me .
15 Without giving it much thought , we all assumed that after the present infatuations had cooled down , Andrew would marry Judith , but it never happened , although he did marry twice during his later years in Toronto .
16 ‘ So that 's what de Raimes meant about putting you off years ago , ’ Isabel exclaimed .
17 Well thank you for telling me then Nat .
18 You demonstrate to me your awareness of the fact that water is boiling hot by pouring it over tea-leaves , your sensuous awareness of the heat of the bathwater by preferring to linger long after you are clean but get out when it turns cold .
19 But it 's difficult , who should you look after — your solicitors who are trying to increase or break into criminal work or should you look after the client 's interests by giving him only solicitors who are already tried and tested .
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