Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [noun] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Those employers who were already geared to providing some form of re-entry course for returning nurses then had the benefit of these guidelines to work from , and began adapting their course objectives and outcomes to the recommended UKCC criteria .
2 Ms Reynolds had been fired from her £20,000 a year job after taking time off to have a hysterectomy on the recommendation of the company doctor .
3 The congenital apathetic inefficiency bred by the regime as the best way of keeping people down had also delayed the demolition process .
4 When the dybbuk disappeared was when — and only when-I knew my hopes of getting Gittel back had come to nothing .
5 Nigel 's usual way of putting women off had always been to cancel dates with ineffectual excuses .
6 More traditional home grown ways of alleviating unemployment meanwhile have been outlined in each of the major parties ' manifestoes .
7 Finally , the reasons for moving ministers frequently have little to do with ability and the time spent in any particular office is often too short to allow the minister to master the subject and the department .
8 The production 's passion for substantiating things also has the effect of downgrading Iago 's freewheelingly malign genius .
9 The findings of this study show that a number of patients with sclerosing cholangitis also have biliary tract calculi .
10 A national policy on cooking energy also has to take into account the increasing interaction between the energy needs of the urban and rural areas .
11 The management of the health service is now infinitely better than it was and the trend to devolving responsibility downwards has continued apace .
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