Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [that] we [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Is it not extraordinary that the Leader of the Opposition is incapable of understanding that we might frequently find that monetary and interest rate policies were wholly inappropriate to the requirements of this country if we join a single European currency ?
2 However , at Canto 106/753–54 ( there is a brief allusion at 104/745 to the mosaics at Monreale ) , we do at last find a Sicilian allusion in the context of writing that we can recognize as distinguished :
3 Well now , because we were in the Ipswich Borough Police , we were in the fortunate position of knowing that we would serve our full thirty years in Ipswich , which enabled us to buy our own houses through building society .
4 Erm but this is the area up here Anne , that I was sort of thinking that we could if we can , some kind of trellis or something around this raised area here you could actually open this bit as the , as a pub on a
5 We try to run a commercially oriented operation , but the profit is purely a method of ensuring that we can continue in existence for many years to come .
6 Furthermore , the DUC also realized that the mining had to be prevented by preventing prospecting and not waiting to begin opposition with the planning applications for the mining itself : ‘ We always felt that if it came to an actual application for mining that we would lose .
7 I would therefore argue that even if the discrepancy between girls ' and boys ' performance at the top levels of achievement in mathematics was entirely due to differences in ability ( which I do not believe , but nevertheless should stay as a possible hypothesis ) , there is a strong case for saying that we should act to try to alter the situation .
8 Erm , in suggesting that we could use Mr 's papers as a basis for dis Mr 's order of priorities .
9 As time was short we walked briskly for 4 hours , before deciding that we would have to set up camp for the night .
10 I join with the hon. Gentleman in saying that we would appreciate a statement to Scottish Members at some point .
11 That is the point that we have addressed in saying that we will not meet fees , however high .
12 That is vastly different from saying that we should consider the shortfall between the fees and the costs incurred by the homes .
13 I obviously made a huge mistake in thinking that we could ever learn to tolerate one another .
14 Initially , we were a little uncertain as to the type of adverts to seek and in both your absences I checked with Gerry Senior who was very helpful in advising that we would be looking for the kind of events that might be held in the Centre and not adverts relating to , for example , recruitment .
15 It goes without saying that we should forget hardback novels — except perhaps for libraries — and concentrate on the paperbacks which children and their parents prefer .
16 This is coming dangerously close to saying that we can not find out how the brain works until we know how the brain works !
17 Their opponents often concentrate on showing that we can reach agreement on basic propositions and neglect the very real difficulties of gaining deep insight into alien ways of thought .
18 We must shift from viewing animals as made for our benefit to thinking that we must be of benefit to them .
19 It is only by experimenting that we can learn new and interesting textures .
20 By denying that we could empirically identify the linguistic framework employed by other agents ( or , indeed by ourselves ) , Quine challenged the claim that we can have a substantive prior conception of truth which can be used to formulate questions for transcendental reflection .
21 He concluded the scene by saying that we would soon be stopping at Newmarket , but that British owners should n't get off the train as they would find no races there .
22 Let us start by saying that we shall never use ‘ explaining ’ ( or ‘ explanation ’ ) and ‘ understanding ’ interchangeably .
23 I 'll , I can endorse that by saying that we should n't , as I noticed a certain offhandedness with him that I did n't like at all .
24 We respond by saying that we will see how much local INTEREST there is , and if it looks an economic viability we 'll come and talk to you .
25 It then supplements the pre-emption thesis by showing that we should be concerned not merely to have the proper attitude to those in authority over us , but also to those in authority over others .
26 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
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