Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [that] he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 He departed after announcing that he would return for his answer with a larger squadron the following spring .
2 The Tribune Group voted against John Prescott 's challenge to Hattersley for the deputy leadership in 1988 after ruling that he should not be permitted to speak .
3 The King , understandably enough , did not thank Asquith for implying that he would deviate from the role of strict constitutionality by denying to Labour what he had given to the other parties .
4 Warrants , addressed to the High Court tipstaff or the county court registrar and bailiff , can be issued to arrest a bankrupt where there are reasonable grounds for believing that he may abscond with a view to avoiding or delaying payment of his debts or his appearance to a petition or to avoiding , delaying or disrupting any proceedings against him or any examination of his affairs ( s 364(1) and r 7.21 ) .
5 He was fond of saying that he could not have done any of it without June , and this was undoubtedly true .
6 But what about the cant of usury and the mode of treating that he ought to know ?
7 Thomas Meehan , one-time caretaker of the Bartram Garden , stressed his early dedication , ‘ So earnest was John Bartram in the pursuit of learning that he could scarcely spare time to eat and might often have been seen with food in one hand and a book in the other .
8 He relished the thought of showing that he could create a viable large-scale industrial organisation in the public sector , as they had in private industry .
9 The father , for reasons put forward by Miss McCreath connected with his own situation and his wish to as it were be forgiven for his past behaviour , and in the hopes of showing that he can in the future notwithstanding his past behaviour be contemplated as somebody to play a röle in the life of his children , supports the making of an interim care order or does not oppose it because he acknowledges that there should be supervision by the plaintiffs .
10 The thrill of discovering that he could break into secret files spurred Paul on to more daring data raids .
11 The Act does not give a constable power to search a person or a vehicle or anything in or on a vehicle unless he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that he will find stolen or prohibited articles .
12 Thus , where the tenant had been innocently misled into believing that he would obtain a long term , and had invested heavily in the property next door , whereas the landlord in fact had plans for immediate redevelopment , the Court of Appeal upheld an order for a break-clause exercisable after the first three years of the term ( Amika Motors Ltd v Colebrook Holdings Ltd ( 1981 ) 259 EG 243 ) .
13 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
14 What is the Attorney-General 's authority for saying that he can not rely on Crown privilege in relation to cross undertakings for damages ?
15 When Dickens 's narrator is left alone in a panelled and smoke-darkened parlour , he acknowledges the influence of the Gothic novel in remarking that he should have ‘ followed the established precedent ’ and ‘ fallen into a fit of musing without delay ’ .
16 Elaborating later at a news conference , Mr Levy said Mr Shamir had assured him in writing that he would retain his positions as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister , and one of his followers would be named to the next Likud-led government .
17 Lord Simon of Glaisdale has written : ‘ In 1951 Sir Winston [ Churchill ] particularly wanted [ Sir Walter Monckton ] in the unenviable post of Minister of Labour , and ( presumably by way of compensation ) undertook in writing that he should be appointed Lord Chief Justice on the next vacancy . ’
18 The champion trainer waited until minutes before the declaration deadline before deciding that he would instead go for Monday 's Coral Welsh National .
19 She begged Charlie to sell Granpa 's old barrow to raise another pound , but Charlie 's reply was always the same — ‘ Never ’ — before adding that he would rather starve and leave the relic to rot in the back yard than let another hand wheel it away .
20 Furthermore , since I disagree with the view of the Divisional Court on this point in Ex parte Handscomb , but the Home Secretary was obliged for the time being to follow it , there is little logic in saying that he should have extended it to mandatory cases .
21 For people already inclined to be critical of Mr Bush , it is easy to leap from saying that he can not articulate a policy to saying that he does not have one , or that such policy as he has is flawed .
22 Before signalling that he could keep his job , Mr Mates , however , was quizzed by Downing Street about any links he had with Mr Nadir .
23 There will also be talk of a return by Boycott , who has always been open in admitting that he would like to be either cricket chairman or team manager .
24 I 'm glad you realise that the root of the problem lies with your husband not with you , and I 'm sure you 're right in thinking that he might need outside help .
25 Candy refused and the Italian had wandered off muttering that he would do it alone .
26 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
27 If a surveyor does his work badly it goes without saying that he can not expect to be paid for it , but usually the client will also wish to claim damages as financial compensation .
28 Never , by look or gesture or word , had he given her the slightest justification for thinking that he might be interested in her as a person .
29 STEVE COPPELL last night tried to stamp out speculation that he may quit Crystal Palace by vowing that he would see out the remaining 18 months of his contract .
30 The Chief Constable of the RUC added confusion to the parades policy by announcing that he would permit an Orange church parade on the Sunday before the Twelfth to pass through the Tunnel because it would be a ‘ peaceful , dignified , church parade ’ but insisted that the Twelfth march had to be re-routed .
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