Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [that] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He collapsed forward again in a fit of coughing that racked his whole body .
2 By the time they have reached their 40s , many former fatties have found a pattern of eating that suits them and keeps them slim .
3 As far as the social element is concerned , a government should recognise the need to promote social cohesion by securing that all citizens have a standard of living that enables them to participate in the life of the community ; governments must take care that reductions in the social element of citizenship which they may regard as necessary in the area of economic policy do not result in sections of the population being excluded from citizenship and membership of the national community .
4 Then I remembered the £500-worth of photographic gear in my fishing bag , and the thought of damaging that galvanised me into action .
5 Er er do you reckon we ought to have had , you kn you know we went over to gas , I toyed with the idea of fetching that do you know , you know when this house were built we went looking at a depot where they 've got all these grates and I took th funnily enough I took the measurements of the breast and er the only one we found was just that dead on look , right across
6 It is the sense of striving that makes him interesting .
7 There was something spontaneous and lively in his manner of speaking that made whatever he was saying sound even better .
8 Bobby Robson was there to assess World Cup candidates , but nothing positive emerged from 90 minutes of scuffling that made one almost yearn for the more measured boredom of Rangers ' European Cup exit in Munich three days earlier .
9 The reason for this is the extraordinary measure of blessing that attended his ministry in that place .
10 For some people , it is precisely the impact of suffering that strengthens their character and faith in God .
11 The modes of learning that helped me are those that I now use with my pupils .
12 This may involve a change of attitude towards the kind of housing that interests them .
13 Once cast off from the submarine they began the steady rhythm of paddling that took them along their course with a mile and a half to the beach , their sweat-raising stroke giving 3 knots — equal to a steady walking pace .
14 Look too , for models with the sort of shelving that allows you to programme the machine to start work hours later and will make the operation a whole lot quieter , and the kinds that have soft food disposal units to prevent blocked drains .
15 Few of us , driven by the irrepressible instincts of the Stone Age , are capable of recognising that shifting your hedge is rather like moving the sitting room furniture around .
16 He had made that mistake already , by accepting Vincente Minnelli 's offer and he knew , at the end of the day , it was not right ; that Sixties way of thinking that rejected anything that had the stamp of establishment on it was also his philosophy .
17 One might wonder why metaphor so often demands that its work be described in terms of colonization and occupation , and what it is about an initial transportation of meaning that turns it into a conquest or a coercive restructuring .
18 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
19 She was unprepared for the wave of feeling that hit her ; a great empty feeling — loss , grief , bitterness .
20 But before we jump to the conclusion that Pound had simply had a brainstorm , or had been trapped by misplaced compassion for Dunning as a lame duck , we ought to consider another possibility — that imagism , and Pound 's endorsement of Ford 's insistence on ‘ the prose tradition ’ , had never been for him more than an aberration , though in the short term a very profitable one , from a way of feeling that impelled him always toward the cantabile , a proclivity that would , in the interests of melody , tolerate notably eccentric diction .
21 Faced with a given set of words which are capable of conveying that meaning it is not surprising if the words are accepted as having that meaning .
22 It is worth noting that had they not scored those four goals the game would have been drawn .
23 It was the method used for smuggling that interested me .
24 Most people had come to understand the danger posed by Hitler 's Germany ; but they decided to delude themselves into believing that giving him Austria and Czechoslovakia would buy him off .
25 Apart from that , there 's a certain justification for the MC4 clasping the live album nettle — given that it was their constant , sometimes belligerent belief in gigging that helped them establish themselves in the first place .
26 It is considered of the first importance that young persons should receive correct and permanent impressions on this subject and to assist in securing that object it is intended to exhibit a model of a SLAVE SHIP which was recently captured upon the coast of Africa .
27 on completing that did you notice anyone there , did you hear anyone in the bedroom ?
28 New skills can increase personal satisfaction Women in particular are susceptible to believing that improving their appearance can help them reinvent themselves .
29 However , by gaining that trust we can look forward with confidence .
30 Common belief suggests that learning occurs as the result of experience but construct theory turns this belief upon its head by proposing that learning itself is what constitutes an experience ( Kelly , 1963 , p. 173 ) .
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