Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I pay tribute to the Chairmen of the Social Security Select Committee and of the Health Select Committee , who have found a way around the difficulties of operating together and have produced a more interesting report as a result .
2 And Madge Grimsilk was seen to lean back in her chair instead of sitting upright and swallow a surprisingly large quantity of Willi 's excellent wine .
3 However , as long as a system can recognize that this use of ‘ in the hand ’ implies that the hand is part of ‘ him ’ , it can avoid this kind of reasoning altogether and adopt a constraint propagation method to resolve both pronouns .
4 Neither impatient nor inattentive , she had a positive gift for remaining still and alert , her large brown eyes fixed upon him as he reconstructed those distant events , willing him to remember and recall every incident , however minor , every remark , however trivial .
5 If the selection decision is wrong or the selection process badly handled , the employee , or his spouse or family , may be unable to cope with living abroad and have to return to the UK .
6 He should take responsibility for doing so or accept responsibility for his party 's vote at the next election , when Labour will be returned .
7 Most visitors to Dentdale gravitate to Dent Town and halt there without exploring further and remain unaware of the many other delights to be found in the ten miles of this lovely valley , some man-made and others the work of a bountiful nature .
8 The norw. team who looked sure to qualify have vasted it in the last two games by loosing away and have no chance to qualify .
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