Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless there were times when Alexander Ramsay had to admit to himself that he found all this , essential and worth while as it certainly was , somehow less than satisfying after all the excitements of the recent past ; a feeling of being understretched as it were , less than fully challenged .
2 Any man if he is alone becomes more aware of being lonely as he ages .
3 Your own death : If they are honest , most people are not so much afraid of being dead as they are of the way they arrive at that state .
4 Thousands of boys and young men , pale , narrow-chested , hunched-up , miserable specimens , smoking endless cigarettes , numbers of them betting , all of them learning to be hysterical as they groan and cheer in panic unison with their neighbours — the worst sound of all being the hysterical scream of laughter that greets any little trip or fall of a player .
5 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
6 ‘ Business was brisk in the last quarter of 1992 and it continues to be encouraging as we settle into 1993 . ’
7 He told the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher not to be late as she would miss it .
8 Another counterexample proposed by Stoyanov ( 1979 ) has proved to be incorrect as it does not satisfy the required boundary conditions ( see Section 10.2 ) .
9 This allows me to mix any colour I want , and to be economic as I have no need for numerous bottles of ink .
10 Yanto tried to be serious as he explained to the girls , which was n't easy with Billy 's skinny six foot frame shaking with mirth alongside him .
11 He argues that servants were inclined to be discontented as they observed others climb in society .
12 It turned out that he had locked himself out of his room which was likely to be embarrassing as I , for one , was not about to go down to reception for a key for him .
13 ‘ What would he want a word about ? ’ she questioned hostilely , wanting him to be gentle as he had been that morning .
14 We will teach it to be pure as we count pure , not the vile purity of the world .
15 And though they tried not to be sad as she had asked , many were in tears as they listened to the reading Kelly had chosen .
16 He characterises the mining bourgeoisie in Peru as a corporate national bourgeoisie , which he considers to be progressive as it is nationalist and developmentalist .
17 We ask them to be multi- skilled , we ask them to use new technology , we ask them to be obsessed as they should be with quality add customer service .
18 The whole tide of history seemed to be quickening as it moved remorselessly leftwards .
19 The development of industry within urban areas tends to be welcome as it provides employment for those who lose their jobs when older industries become redundant .
20 The Home Office sent a detective to report on the movements of ‘ the French people ’ — they were assumed to be foreign as they did not have a Somerset accent .
21 I want to be languid as he steers , to navigate with my hands and eyes free .
22 His wife motioned to him to be quiet as she moved around the counter .
23 Sitting together on a settee as they faced hostile questioning , Bill Clinton seemed at first to be struggling as he was tackled over the Flowers affair .
24 The bream appear to be ravenous as they recover from spawning activities and have been joined by tench , carp and roach to give several outstanding catches .
25 It may be that the only times the parents show joint concern is when the child misbehaves and so the child continues to be difficult as it keeps the family together .
26 If the understanding of " a way of being " as elliptical is resisted , as perhaps it can be , and the term " a way of being " taken to be serviceable as it is , there is another difficulty .
27 Flat fields need to be larger as they may turn out to have slight downhill slopes .
28 I just have to be careful as I pick my way past the grubby piles of snow at the edges of the pavement .
29 Pat has also asked me to thank those who gave their names to be pen friends and asks you to be patient as she is too ill to distribute them yet .
30 She took no pains to be silent as she turned back and went that way .
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