Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At best , a family might be given two shillings weekly if , after being willing to submit to a very strict investigation into their financial position ( this was called a ‘ Means Test ’ ) they were found to be at starvation level .
2 As Byrd begins the long rehabilitation process which doctors hope will enable him to regain some movement , former team-mate Al Toon , one of the game 's top wide receivers , sits in retirement after being unable to shake off the effects of the ninth concussion in his eight-year career .
3 However I had perceived that he had been caught in that familiar predicament of being obliged to continue to the end of a story which half-way through he repented of having begun .
4 Dr Mikulas Huba , head of the Slovak Parliamentary Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection , has accused the government of being prepared to sell off the entire Tatra range to Americans without formal authority .
5 The pilot must be vigilant on every aerotow and must realise the importance of being prepared to release at any point on the climb out should his glider get badly out of position .
6 Freud 's comment on dreams of exposure was , … the dream of nakedness demands our attention only when shame and embarrassment are felt in it , when one wishes to escape or to hide , and when one feels the strange inhibition of being unable to stir from the spot , and of being utterly powerless to alter the painful situation …
7 Fear of being unable to cope with existing problems .
8 A , protection of income in the event of being unable to work through sickness .
9 Number One Healthmaster 's only currently in following areas , quite clearly it was C , protection of income in the event of being unable to work through sickness .
10 However , the borrower does incur the disadvantage of being unable to benefit from any subsequent decline in market interest rates over the loan 's term .
11 After getting physically very weak as the result of being unable to eat without extreme discomfort , a few weeks ago Molly was admitted to the Royal Homeopathic Hospital Great Ormond Street where doctors found and dealt with a severe restriction in her stomach .
12 Although some people join the ranks of the old with relish and gloat over the advancing years ( 'I 'm in my 80th year' — i.e. 79 ) , others have commented on the incongruous feeling the idea of being old creates within them .
13 Whether statements are capable in law of being defamatory depends on the content and context of the whole article or programme , and the impression it would convey to the average viewer .
14 On test when it matters , ie swimming in white water , the Aqua-Pak had the advantage of being easier to swim in than many larger more bulky buoyancy aids though it was essential to have the jacket well fitting and done up properly as , like other buoyancy aids of this style , it could easily ride up the body .
15 It is likely the transactions costs of being short differ from those of being long , that is , C SL C SN and C FN C FL .
16 The essence of being human consists in the values we place on ourselves in being human beings .
17 STEVE BACKLEY yesterday wrote off his chances of being fit to compete in this month 's European Cup and admitted that his continuing injury woes are causing him major concern .
18 I am more concerned about employers who employ only a few people and whose main criterion is the flexibility of being able to take on staff , to change their hours from time to time and , on occasions , to get them to work 60 or 70 hours a week when they are busy .
19 And that was my problem with it was that I was in much in terms of being able to go into the classroom an and talk to the kids and have a really good relationship with the teachers and things .
20 Sickness and disability mean not only varying rates of entitlement to social security benefits for different socio-economic groups but also different possibilities of being able to return to work .
21 She felt quite confident of being able to cope with him while he was like this .
22 In picking their way through these priorities , local managers lacked the benefit of being able to rely on the NCC and SEAC working in harmony .
23 However , whilst it is impossible to guarantee that a business 's terms will be incorporated into all its contracts , if a business takes care to adopt proper contract formation procedures , it can maximise the chances of its terms being incorporated into its contracts , and therefore its chances of being able to rely on those terms should any dispute arise .
24 As things turned out Meyer had the satisfaction of being able to point to alluvial sources of nephrite in eastern Switzerland and central Germany .
25 look , look , may I put it this way , we 're in the directive of being able to point to something which permits the Secretary of State to delegate the function , that what 's it for
26 ‘ The requirement of a creditor to wait 12 months before claiming relief instead of being able to claim at the end of the first quarter after an insolvency ( as was possible previously ) has an adverse effect on his own business 's cash flow .
27 A traditional critic has the advantage of being able to turn to standards and values inherited from the past .
28 ‘ We are confident of being able to live in that climate .
29 And if you study his private life , he teaches courage , stoicism , friendship ; the importance of intelligence , scepticism and wit ; the folly of cheap patriotism ; the virtue of being able to remain by yourself in your own room ; the hatred of hypocrisy ; distrust of the doctrinaire ; the need for plain speaking .
30 Many people will have experienced the relief of being able to talk to another person about their feelings and difficulties .
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