Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister has told the Conservative Party Conference that the things he cares most about are stability at home and in Europe , Education , and Britain 's long-term economic strength .
2 The erm point about are distribution within Greater York is that we have attempted to look at this in what I think is a a rational and realistic manner , we have looked , and you 'll see this from our supplementary paper , I apologize for its lateness , but I think it 's benefited from the additional thought that could be given to it , we have looked both backwards , at the present day , and forwards , we 've looked backwards at past build rates , we 've looked at the present day position in the sense of the population shares within Greater York , and we 've looked forwards in terms of the commitment figures that are given in the N Y one paper that we 've just been looking at , and taking all those things into account , and adding in what we see as the right location for a new settlement , namely Selby district , we come to the figures that are in our supplementary paper , and there is clearly a great deal of common ground between the evidence you get from looking either at past building rates or population shares , as now , or future commitments which all point towards a broadly similar distribution , we say , with the addition of a new feature namely the new settlement , so that I commend those figures to you as somebody who 's actually dared to put their toe , or maybe their whole body into the water , and given you not only some numbers , but also a basis by which if you should er have a different Greater York figure in mind , a basis on which that could be rationally er approached , I would not certainly defend to the last ditch the need to put a figure of fifty dwellings into the structure plan for the Hambledon part of Greater York , there may be a cut off point beyond which you do n't go , but certainly for Ryedale and Selby , with very substantial numbers there is a need to indicate what the appropriate division should be , and you could not for instance indicate what the er Ryedale non Greater York figure was , without someone telling us the , as the Chairman rightly said , having an idea of what the Ryedale Greater York figure should be , so it is n't really I think feasible to have district figures for non Greater York , and one Greater York figure , that does n't er get away from the issue , and nor does it solve the potential for confusion .
3 Some things to look for are blade of grass , stone , buttercup or daisy , twig , used match , and other items that can be found in the area .
4 Now it 's one of those unfortunate things that when people talk about maintaining standards , the only sort of , in an sense , external sort of guidance they 've got to go for are things like examination passes .
5 Other areas that I am personally responsible for are Person to Person , an ‘ in depth ’ interview with a member of staff at their home , Amicable Angus/Agnes ( getting someone to come up with an idea ) and Amicable Focus .
6 In between are variations in phenomena such as El Nino .
7 Have n't you noticed yet that Thorfinn is prouder of being Earl of Orkney than he is of ruling Scotia ?
8 NORTHERN Ireland 's Ombudsman , Jill McIvor , was today quizzed on her task of being watchdog over people 's complaints about public services .
9 the benefit to B is capable of being consideration for B's promise , so that the promise will be legally binding .
10 In fact , some of the canvases of this type have almost the appearance of being paintings of sculptures and masks .
11 What is the point of moving a person who is famous through the world as Chichester to the anonymity of being Archbishop of York ?
12 According to reports mosques in and around Asyut and Dairut in Upper Egypt were suspected of being centres of sedition .
13 Their chances of being chairmen of Ford or General Motors are pretty slim too ; non-existent ( on past experience ) if they are a British manager at an American ‘ transplant ’ in Britain .
14 For the felines themselves it is almost like a modern rebirth of the senseless persecution of the Medieval period , when they were accused of being servants of Satan .
15 We also talked about experiences of being victims of offences and found Blacks had significantly less , and had reported fewer of these to the police .
16 The schoolmaster of St. Andrews was ambitious ‘ and aspires eagerly to the dignity of being professor of humanity in this university ’ .
17 He once had the impossible job of being PA to Ted Heath in sulphurous exile .
18 Er Brothers of were manufacturers of sheep dips and various disinfectants .
19 Since then , he has crammed in a whole host of charitable activities including being secretary of Cleveland Rotafac Trust , a charitable group set up by the Rotary Club of Guisborough and Great Ayton .
20 Buddhism started with being morality without worship ; and it is as a system of morality , but of morality as being of inherent obligation , that Buddhism claims to be reckoned among the religions of the world .
21 Mrs. Mounce busied herself with being kind to Tessa , too .
22 Two other men will be able to advise him on how to deal with being captain of England AND handle a difficult personal relationship .
23 Volunteers handle hundreds of cases every year helping Darlington people to come to terms with being victims of crime .
24 Pip has found contentment also by helping Herbert with is life by find and paying for him to start a job .
25 He immediately took to his heels with is case of cigarettes and led me a merry dance away from the docks , through a council estate , finally finishing up on the perimeter track of Ipswich Airport where I was rescued in the nick of time by a squad car full of policemen just as I was about to be filled in by the burly seaman .
26 For , surely , once it is realised that all that we do have and can rely upon are series of perceptions and ideas , it becomes clear that there can be no justification for assuming the existence of any such metaphysical " substrata " , and the whole doctrine of substance falls to the ground .
27 Library co-operatives , apart from being producers/suppliers of courses , could also constitute a significant market for courses and be in a position to request economically viable , tailor-made ‘ external ’ courses .
28 Those in whom it has taken place are turned from being opponents of civilization into being its vehicles .
29 Far from being modifications to Freud , Talcott Parsons 's changes to the theory remove the whole purpose of sociologists turning to Freud in order to move away from the over-socialized conception of man .
30 As they were forced to respond to the pressure for constitutional change the established interests saw a glint of light at the end of the political tunnel and came to entertain the hope that if the middle classes were allowed a subordinate share of power then they just might turn from being poachers to gamekeepers of the system and so side with the aristocracy in helping to keep the working classes in order .
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