Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the galley , Harry had his first meal for six days , before being given some bread and butter and cigarettes and being advised to return in two days , just before the ship sailed .
2 By March 5 troops loyal to Saddam Hussein appeared to be achieving some success against the rebels .
3 Christian Hosoi , who was meant to be getting some sort of subsidiary company through Vision , is now working to get a sub-company set up through H Street : this will eventually be similar to Chris Miller 's Planet Earth .
4 Although Clinton continued to enjoy a consistent lead in the opinion polls , by the end of October the gap between the two candidates appeared to have closed sufficiently to be causing some alarm in the Democratic camp .
5 A far distant bell in her exhausted mind seemed to be ringing some kind of warning .
6 Since then , there have been about half a dozen glitzy launches — featuring among others , the Home Secretary grinning into the television cameras , telling us that something was going to be done some time .
7 Though this may be the case , it would be helpful to be given some idea of the potential cost-benefits and disadvantages .
8 For that to happen , students have to be given some space in which to develop intellectually in their own way .
9 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
10 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
11 Later on in my undergraduate career I was lucky enough to be given some teaching by Dr Douglas Ross , consultant in Glasgow , and had personal experience of the efficacy of homoeopathy when he cured the gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums ) which had been plaguing me for three weeks with a homoeopathic preparation of mercury .
12 ‘ If the players are to be given some incentive , they really have to get the North going as it was .
13 Many , of course , are not , and that would seem to increase the need for the advantaged children to be given some understanding of the harsh world in which many other children have to live .
14 That is when you ought perhaps to be encouraging some running .
15 In the passages to which I have referred I understand Lord Reading C.J. to be predicating some measure of compulsion in addition to the unlawful demand before recovery is available .
16 A spokesman said about one-third of the sewage load from the town is due to be diverted some time this year to a new treatment plant .
17 Money for use today can be bought in exchange for money to be repaid some time in the future .
18 Werewolf seemed to be conducting some sort of slaughter out there .
19 In another measure , the Government extended the Landlord and Tenant Act protection to the licensed trade but they would not bring it in immediately — it had to be implemented some time in the future .
20 She knew that she ought to be paying some attention to the rest of the class but she was altogether too excited to let the matter rest .
21 Nottingham Forest are planning a £500,000 bid for the big Ballyclare man ; expect it to be tabled some time next week .
22 His eyes glinted through the black lashes and for a moment he seemed to be offering some sort of olive branch .
23 On page six of our agenda there are congress organization motions which clearly need to be discussed some time during this congress because they concern rule amendments , and if they do fall off the agenda because debate is long on the other things , I really do believe they should take priority because we wo n't be raising them for another three years .
24 At that time , as George Orwell reflected , the campaign appeared to be exerting some impact upon British politics for , ‘ In England the Popular Front is only an idea , but it has already produced the nauseous spectacle of bishops , Communists , cocoa-magnates , publishers , duchesses and Labour MPs marching arm-in-arm to the tune of ‘ Rule Brittania ’ .
25 Last night 's vote and the subsequent meeting , to be held some time next month , is bound to re-fuel the huge controversy that resulted from Gower 's non-selection behind South African rebel Mike Gatting .
26 He then brought up the £8000 to £8,000 by steering clear of the OTC , and the vicar was ecstatic that at last he seemed to be making some money .
27 It might dilute the real body of work which I felt to be making some kind of contribution .
28 He seemed to be making some impression on the person at the other end of the phone .
29 I would think that 's out because it would destroy the value of the house er that , that has got to be sold some time .
30 Yes , I know We 're going to be investigating some carpet shops while you 're signing on the dotted line , wo n't need me in there now will you ?
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