Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [to-vb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Keown then left at the end of his contract after being unable to agree terms with Graham over a new deal — and alleging that the sticking point had been a request for £50 a week more than he was offered .
2 Kenya 's problems of being unable to adjust policies elsewhere to ensure efficiency , an essential requirement , have already been discussed .
3 And that misuse of the aerosol sprays is probably responsible for about three thousand five hundred deaths , but I think you 've got to put that into perspective , first of all against the six thousand people who are killed on the roads every year in Britain , and you 've also got to set it against our estimate that there are more than a quarter of a million people alive today who would have died in childhood if it had n't been specifically for the advantage of being able to take medicines , anti-biotics generally in their childhood to keep them alive .
4 Moreover , a similar or larger proportion claim either to enjoy the frequent change of tasks and environment , the flexibility of " temping " and of being able to take spells off between assignments , or to have commitments which make continuous working impossible ; even if , as one recent survey ( Manpower , 1986 ) showed , this was Sometimes to be set off against a feeling of employment insecurity .
5 The importance of being able to reciprocate gifts in kind is also illustrated by case study data from Pahl 's study on household work strategies on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent , in which one man who was long-term unemployed had been helping an uncle to decorate his house , and how the uncle then gave him a large piece of meat .
6 Fax machines have been around for many years and the obvious benefit of being able to transmit documents and graphics by telephone is by no means newly perceived .
7 But how do rational agents put themselves in a position of being able to anticipate changes in the money stock ?
8 The idea of being able to control things and people was something she could hardly imagine .
9 The earlier you discuss a potential or actual problem with the lender , the more chance there is of being able to arrange matters satisfactorily .
10 The earlier you discuss a potential or actual problem with the lender , the more chance there is of being able to arrange matters satisfactorily .
11 As to coming together for further talks , I think that I speak for all those who were involved in the talks in the summer , which we concluded , when I say that those who took part in them felt that they were valuable and looked forward to the possibility of being able to hold talks again .
12 Andy has a large input to the design side , having the enjoyment of being able to turn ideas in to reality and then use them to give a financial return .
13 The point here is that unlike myself , who am after all , in a fairly privileged position of being able to examine texts in detail from a single point of view , i.e. gender , teachers are in the business of bringing together children and books in the busy context of the school classroom , and with a multiplicity of aims .
14 With the wider use of computers in the home , and the prospects , in the not-too-distant future of being able to order goods via a telephone link , mail-order business seems likely to grow .
15 People know where I am , on hearing me say ‘ Here ’ , not in virtue of knowing what I mean , but in virtue of being able to locate sounds .
16 Recent developments in modelling cognitive processes on computers have changed the situation quite dramatically and there is now a realistic chance of being able to produce models of the way cognitive processes are carried out that are sufficiently precise and detailed for them to be tested properly against what happens in the brain ( McNaughton and Morris 1987 ) .
17 Households and private firms can only increase their spending by using their savings or by borrowing — they are not in the position of being able to raise taxes or to print money for themselves .
18 It was clearly meant to provide serious training , and d'Hauterive even cherished the vain hope of being able to admit students to it by competitive examination .
19 By this time they were starting to review the situation steadily , forecasting the Duke of Atholl 's likely moves , wording formal requests for warrants to meet in larger groups , arguing furiously over the likelihood of being able to get weapons from the armouries at Atholl or Taymouth Castle .
20 On the other hand there are , in some people 's opinions , sinister overtones of being able to keep tabs on a person 's movements , though how that differs from the present system I am not quite sure .
21 The Professional version offers the additional feature of being able to make adjustments to the stitch layout from within the COLOUR PATTERN section , so you can edit your colour pattern and stitch layout at the same time if you want to .
22 This was obviously so in organisations which were expanding and which , as consequence , either found themselves exceeding the agreed limits on the size of their temporary labour forces or felt confident of being able to make commitments to a greater number of workers .
23 The urgency which mainstream critics applied to the task of denouncing A Very British Coup was no doubt fuelled by the fact that the film was screened as a three-week serial , hence reviewers were in the unusual position ( for TV critics ) of being able to influence readers as to whether they would watch future episodes .
24 The advantages of being able to run baits out to any spot within range of your radio signal are obvious even to an objector and to sit on a reservoir bank as electro-man catches pike on free-lined herrings at 200 yards , whilst my weapon hangs limp in the still air waiting for a stiff breeze has been frustrating .
25 The plan had been criticized for being geared towards extracting the optimum " harvest " from remaining forests , of lacking consideration towards forest peoples and of being slow to meet requests for assistance from developing countries .
26 Our business and personal lives depend upon being able to use words successfully .
27 For some people security and comfort can be derived from being able to anticipate events , for others ward routine can be a source of distress .
28 But like all students , disabled students will benefit from being able to defer payments if their income falls below 11,500 pounds .
29 ‘ Many nurses may find the task of entering the script onto the GP 's computer is delegated to them so the time saved from being able to prescribe starts to disappear . ’
30 A composer who took after Campra in being able to dramatize recitatives without having to resort to highly coloured harmony was Michel Pignolet de Montéclair .
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