Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , yeah , but every case is different , you do n't , I mean she might of been in some car accident or something like that you see , might n't she ?
2 Here , the elements which are selected as focal ( them , he , and was ) are not new in the sense of not having been mentioned before , but they are new in the sense of being in some way contrastive .
3 For many of the disabled the greatest hardship they suffer is not the frustration and practical problems of lives that are limited by disability but the sense of being in some way segregated from the rest of society .
4 In both these shows , there 's an odd sense of being in some sort of parallel universe : it all looks the same , but the power structure has been weirdly distorted .
5 First , the authority of the lecturer in the teaching relationship has to be to some degree granted by the student .
6 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
7 Emerson revealed that both those who continued working and those who retired ‘ appeared to be to some extent affected by rather garbled information concerning retirement impact ’ ( Emerson 1959 ) .
8 Secondly , an exemption clause may be partially effective if it is shown to be to some extent reasonable .
9 Lastly , the points used in the control group can not be regarded as suitable : electrical stimulation of needles only 2 cm from the real points is unlikely to be without some effect .
10 It was all at my fingertips and I was only too pleased to be of some assistance , from whatever quarter the request came .
11 So here , for the fraught and confused among you , is a short guide to male restaurant etiquette that may prove to be of some assistance .
12 He was a man apart , a man desperate to be of some use , driven to understand the purpose of life and his role within it .
13 He , while happy to be of some use , was not content that inequality on this scale should persist — inequality of opportunity , of course , for as a station-master he was a hierarchical man .
14 It really gives me a kick to be of some use like this . ’
15 The building is supposed to be of some importance , architecturally .
16 Since this second sufficient condition turns out to be of some importance , it might be useful to have an intuitive idea of what is involved .
17 Grade III buildings were those which , whilst not qualifying for the first statutory list when compiled in 1949–69 , were considered nevertheless to be of some importance for planning purposes .
18 For this reason , the fourth edition of Coopers ' manual will continue to be of some value .
19 ‘ My feeling was that if this was the last thing I was going to do , I wanted it to be of some value .
20 Ostensibly asexual lineages of fish and salamanders have been shown by analysis of their mitochondrial DNA to be of some antiquity ( 4–5 million and 100,000 years , respectively ) .
21 Yet they can be shown to be in some sense the implicit guardians of morality .
22 For Kelsen , the dynamic principle is characteristic of legal positivism which understands law to be in some sense a product of human acts and decisions rather than a deduction from timeless and immutable principles .
23 It is said that if the Logos is to be conceived to be in some sense male , then equally the Spirit is to be held to be female .
24 However , since representations of satyrs are often given negroid features , there is a suggestion that negroes were considered to be in some sense monstrous .
25 The sacrilege lies in the desire on the part of the murderer to mutilate what we understand to be in some sense the image of God .
26 Although President George Bush won the primary , his margin of victory over right-wing challenger Patrick Buchanan was unconvincing , and by the end of the month the Bush campaign appeared to be in some disarray .
27 I would just like to answer one or two things , erm , erm , he , he , one of the things he 's saying er , is that erm , oh dear I 've forgotten what I was going to say now , and I have n't got it written down , got it written down , can I go on to something else erm , the Home Secretary does seem to be in some disarray over the proposed bill .
28 When this is no longer so , the fact of a male priesthood makes God appear to be in some way peculiarly male , such that He needs a male priesthood to represent Him .
29 Connected speech processes ( CSP ) are phenomena such as the deletions and assimilations characteristic of allegro speech , which appear to be in some way phonetically motivated rather than linguistically arbitrary variation .
30 Product differentiation is the process by which specific features , characteristics and attributes are built in to the product or service So that the consumer perceives it to be in some way different from ( and preferably superior to ) competing products .
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