Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it have [been] " in BNC.

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1 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
2 The hard copy volume is deleted from the hard copy directory regardless of whether it has been accepted or rejected .
3 Indeed , the courts will take a pragmatic view of the complexity of the information and the employee 's ability to remember it as a test of whether it has been wrongfully used/disclosed by him .
4 See they got on the lights so long of the day in the winter time and made them lay just like as if it 'd been summer .
5 This suspiciously hilarious incident sounds as if it had been polished in the telling , as many hooligan incidents are .
6 The payment would appear in your 1988 accounts , and in the Government 's accounts for 1988/89 , just as if it had been made in August .
7 Young lads gather round the car which looks as if it had been dead for days or weeks .
8 Every room in the house contained some form of Bible and I took up a large ancient looking one and opened it as if it had been a door into a cave .
9 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
10 He tried to scream the name but his throat felt as if it had been cauterized with a hot iron .
11 The children stared ravenously at her dress as if it had been spun out of sugar .
12 Remembered it VIVIDLY — as if it had been yesterday .
13 For that last half-hour of the day , the dunes became a deeper gold and were scored with the long shadows of palm trees , whose tops were so green that I fancied that if my arm had been long enough I could have plucked a leaf and eaten it as if it had been parsley .
14 The film cuts from the Black man writing on the blackboard to the grotesque ‘ nigger minstrel'-style head of a Guy , which , as if it had been lynched and hung , falls ominously to its chest .
15 At the end of one hour her back was aching as if it had been kicked all over by a mule ; but she went on doggedly , though it soon became absolute agony .
16 My dear , he was holding it exactly as if it had been a squashed blackbeetle , and I knew he 'd been criticizing me all evening .
17 Instead they acted as a brake on German economic power by milking the state of subsidy as if it had been set up for that purpose alone .
18 as if it had been swallowed up .
19 He took to the Cobra position as if it had been designed for him .
20 The Bill thus becomes unopposed and proceeds as if it had been unopposed throughout .
21 As such that undertaking was as obnoxious as if it had been contained in the articles of association , and was therefore unenforceable , being contrary to Art 131 of The Companies ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1986 .
22 ‘ The reader interprets the text as if it had been written in his own language , culture and time … .
23 He removed the stereo from his brother 's car , to make it look as if it had been stolen , before pushing it into a water-filled quarry .
24 Another surprise was that the helium-3 was not distributed uniformly throughout the metal , but appeared to be highly concentrated in small clusters as if it had been formed there .
25 The corpse looked as if it had been attacked by dagger-billed birds .
26 Her head felt as if it had been hit with a bag of cement , or replaced with one .
27 So he took it , and played something soft and sad , something plaintive and melancholy that rose up every third line as if it was going to shake off its sorrow and fly forward and free ; but then in the fourth it curled back on itself and fell again : reluctantly , sometimes , but always resignedly , as if it knew it was going to fall ; as if it had been striving and falling back again for hundreds of years .
28 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
29 Her hair , which looked as if it had been inexpertly permed , was pulled back at the sides but frizzed over the high forehead in the poodle-like fashion of an Edwardian .
30 The house in California — it was in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles , I think — looked as if it had been flung by a giant hand against the side of a hill and had stuck .
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