Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
2 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
3 This kind of sexism can be ( and has been ) noted , but it is hard to get rid of because it occurs in ‘ unregulated ’ contexts : nobody has made or written down a rule saying that women can be addressed as ‘ dearie ’ or referred to as ‘ bitches ’ .
4 ‘ In future cases where a new regime comes to power unconstitutionally our attitude on the question of whether it qualifies to be treated as a government , will be left to be inferred from the nature of the dealings , if any , which we may have with it , and in particular on whether we are dealing with it on a normal government to government basis .
5 Further , it is assumed that units of consumers ' and producers ' surplus can be added and subtracted , i.e. a unit of surplus represents the same quantity of benefit irrespective of whether it accrues to the buyer or seller .
6 I would hope that the peer review system used by the EC is of sufficient quality to recognise research worthy of support irrespective of whether it originates from individuals or groups and then support it if funds are available .
7 the idea that every form of avoidance of expenditure quite indifferently of whether it consists of really wasteful expenditure or of a capital investment in developing the nation 's productive resources , is alike ‘ economy ’ … .
8 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
9 ‘ Otherwise it looks as if it belongs to me . ’
10 ‘ Such luxurious hair , a face that looks as if it belongs to an angel … but of course , ’ he murmured , ‘ you kiss like an expert . ’
11 It looks as if it belongs in some fairy-tale . ’
12 We have tended to speak as if it existed in some obvious and consistent way in higher education , but as some of the above quotations pointed out , the undergraduate curriculum may be influenced by other manifestations of organized knowledge , in particular research and professional practice .
13 This , it is claimed , provides at the same time a clue as to the meaning of fiction ; for fiction really is the result of treating that which can exist only derivatively , or " parasitically " , as if it existed in its own right .
14 Howard Barker is described in the programme as a playwright ‘ known for his robust stance ’ — feet apart , biceps raised ? — ‘ against the tide of TV obsessed populist drama , ’ but the dialogue in A Hard Heart sounds as if it came from the violet-ink-filled pen of Oscar Wilde .
15 ‘ Lomax ! ’ she snapped , her voice sounding as if it came from inside a biscuit tin .
16 Anne heard her voice go heavy on the last word , as if it came from deep within her , influenced by some deep-felt experience .
17 No school-children so far , but I can hear the first faint scrapes and slushing of householders beginning to clean their pavements , and the sound is strange and hard to recognise in the almost silent air , seeming as if it came from a long distance , a country sound in the wrong place .
18 It seemed to Carolyn that there must be a vividly speeded up life flitting through the infant 's dreams , as if it skimmed in the air like a bird over the facts of its life and they were reflected as changingly and as unknowingly on its face as the moving bird would be in seas , rivers , lakes , in stagnant puddles on flat roofs , and silted-up canals .
19 The window looked as if it belonged to a toilet .
20 In his important book The concept of mind ( 1949 ) Ryle exploded the dogma by successfully demonstrating that , as used in the Cartesian ‘ myth ’ , the term represents the facts of mental life as if it belonged to one logical type or category , when it actually belongs to another .
21 She strutted around in the snow as if it belonged to her .
22 So that it looked as if it belonged to the house .
23 The radio was on , whatever it was that shrieked was at it full-blast , and from somewhere upstairs came music that sounded as if it proceeded from a violin .
24 HOWEVER MUCH THE hotel maid sprinkled her lemon scouring powder , the salle de bains ( so designated by a chipped blue-and-white oval enamel plaque ) still smelled of stagnant drains , as if it functioned as an extension of the narrow street outside , where a section of the gutter exuded a steady reek of staleness , sweetish-sour , and not entirely unpleasant to Miranda .
25 Write as if it happened to you .
26 This type of noise is often from a diff and travels down the tubular propshaft to sound as if it comes from the gearbox and gets louder as the roadspeed increases .
27 The non-lexical procedure works by applying rules specifying how a particular letter or letter group is to be pronounced ( and so can not be used for reading exception words aloud correctly , since such words disobey the rules : if you apply the rules to read an exception word aloud , you will produce an incorrect pronunciation , such as reading pint as if it rhymed with mint , hint , lint , etc . ) .
28 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
29 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
30 Almost all her errors here were regularisations : for example , she read have as if it rhymed with ‘ cave ’ , lose as if it rhymed with ‘ hose ’ , own as if it rhymed with ‘ down ’ , and steak as if it rhymed with ‘ beak ’ .
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